Ancient Chinese History

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The world has greatly benefitted from several significant inventions originating from Chinese culture. This essay concentrates on these inventions and evaluates their influence on day-to-day life. The progress and advancement of the world would not have been achievable without these inventions. Out of the eight noteworthy contributions coming from China, paper holds particular importance.

The invention of paper can be traced back to the Chinese culture in AD 105. Cai Lun, an official in the Han Dynasty, created paper using mulberry and other bast fibers, as well as fishnet, old rags, and hemp waste.

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The Chinese were also pioneers in printing. They developed the world’s first print culture and discovered means of communication. According to an article in the Minnesota-China Connection in 2005, the first printing press was invented in China by 593 AD. The first printed newspaper was available in Beijing by 700 AD, using woodblock printing. In 868 AD, the Diamond Sutra became the earliest known complete woodblock printed book with illustrations.

The Chinese also discovered that a lodestone was attracted to iron, which led to the development of the compass. This invention can be traced back to approximately AD1-100. Initially used as a planning tool for house construction, the compass later became a highly useful tool for navigation in planes, boats, and wilderness.

The Chinese culture has made significant contributions to the world, including the invention of the compass. This tool is widely utilized by the military for determining direction. Furthermore, Chinese culture has also introduced other remarkable inventions like paper, gunpowder, and printing. These innovations have opened doors for creating new inventions that bring benefits to people globally. Notably, the invention of paper has played a vital role in documenting historical events for future generations.

The Chinese civilization before the first century is credited with the invention of paper. Before this, events were documented on turtle shells, animal bones, and bamboo slips. Paper has played a significant role in enriching cultures and facilitating the sharing of stories and events. Notable inventions that stemmed from paper include toilet paper, which originated in early medieval China around the 6th century A.D., and paper currency, which was introduced by the Chinese approximately in 800 BC.

The invention of the compass greatly facilitated the advancement of global trade. Originally utilized by the Chinese, this tool allowed for efficient route plotting and travel. By utilizing Earth’s magnetic field, the compass indicates north and provides travelers with a constant sense of direction. Even in modern society, many individuals still rely on the compass to determine their intended path.

It’s used in cars, airplanes, helicopters, ships, and in a lot of modern devices. The third important Chinese invention is printing; this invention is a key element of the Chinese civilization. Woodblock printing came after the block printing technique which is traced back to the Tang Dynasty. Printing has become very useful in the world; it has enriched the world education system because without this invention books would not be able to be share in a vast production. Our great artist would have not been able to share their thoughts and music throughout the world.

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Ancient Chinese History. (2017, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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