Anton Chekhov
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Essay Examples
The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov Analysis
Anton Chekhov
In every painting, the artist leaves a signature. This is a mark to distinguish that the artwork is his, an identification that such is a result of his talent. Authors, on the other hand, do not provide a signature in every page they have written. They do not have to; this is because sometimes,…
Point of View in Chekhov’s and Oates’ The Lady with the Pet Dog?
Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov and Joyce Oates both approached this short narrative from the third-person storyteller. The chief difference is how Chekhov entertained the male position of love while Oates indulged in the weakening facet of the feminine side. Chekhov used a limited omniscient storyteller who merely knows Gurov’s inner ideas and feelings. He reveals the point…
The Cherry Orchard Analysis
Anton Chekhov
Modernist Literature In the world of literature, modernism is represented by the moving away from traditional rules and practices, looking at man’s place in the world with a realistic view, and experimenting with form and style. Modernism focuses on the use of language and the function of the actual writing. Modernist literature moves away from…
Anton Chekhov Lady with the Dog
Anton Chekhov
The Lady with the Dog
Anton Chekhov explores the pursuit of happiness in his story “The Lady with the Dog.” The plot centers on a married man who violates his marital promises by having an affair with a woman stuck in an unhappy marriage. By employing skillful language and symbolism, Chekhov captivates readers with this simple yet gripping narrative. Anton…
The Bet by Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov
Life imprisonment
It was a dark autumn night. The old banker was walking up and down his study and remembering how, fifteen years before, he had given a party one autumn evening. There had been many clever men there, and there had been interesting conversations. Among other things they had talked of capital punishment. The majority of…
The Importance of Setting in Anton Chekhov’s “The Lady with the Dog” Analysis
Anton Chekhov
The Lady with the Dog
Anton Chekhov is recognized as one of the most relevant short story writers in world literature. This Russian author showcased his immense talent in fiction writing through the use of the literary elements to effectively narrate his stories. One remarkable example would be “The Lady with the Dog,” where Chekhov carefully distinguished the life…
Anton Pavlovich Chekov: “the Grasshopper” – an Analysis
Anton Chekhov
Labeled as the father of modern short story and of modern play, Anton Pavlovich Chekov wrote the short story “The Grasshopper”, an ingredient to his collection of critically-acclaimed writings. During the golden time of his career, 1886-1887, he began writing stories that demonstrate his ability to render life from within the minds of his characters…
Compare and Contrast Anton Chekhov and Shakespeare
Anton Chekhov
William Shakespeare
Since I’ve been reading so much Shakespeare lately, I can’t help but think of the two playwrights together. Shakespeare and Chekhov are my two favorite dramatists (which makes me feel a bit conventional, but sometimes conventions come about for good reasons), and they both share a profound ability to create fully rounded, psychologically complex characters….
Feeling the “Misery” by Anton Chekhov Analysis
Anton Chekhov
Feeling the “Misery” by Anton ChekhovMany great writers have been overlooked by students, who thought that literature was only homework in school. A lot of students, including myself, did not think that one can feel several emotions from a short story such as this piece by Chekhov. I guess we should always think that these…
Character Analysis in The Cherry Orchard
Anton Chekhov
1. What is Madame Ranevsky’s character flaw? How is it expressed, and how does it affect the outcome of the play? The character flaw found in Madame Ranevsky is that she is a person of excess. She demonstrates an enormous amount of emotion over things that do not require any emotion, and very little emotion…
born | January 29, 1860, Taganrog, Russia |
died | July 15, 1904, Badenweiler, Germany |
description | Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a Russian playwright and short-story writer who is considered to be among the greatest writers of short fiction in history. His career as a playwright produced four classics, and his best short stories are held in high esteem by writers and critics. |
books | Entana Cekhava ki cunida kahaniyam 1932, The Lady with the Dog 1899, About Love 1898 |
movies | The Orchard, Uncle Vanya, The Seagull, A Hunting Accident, The Lady with the Dog |
quotations | Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. Any idiot can face a crisis – it’s day to day living that wears you out. Love, friendship and respect do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something. You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible.,“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” “Perhaps man has a hundred senses, and when he dies only the five senses that we know perish with him, and the other ninety-five remain alive.” |
information | Short biography of Anton ChekhovAnton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860 – 1904) – Russian writer and doctor, one of the most outstanding representatives of Russian classical literature. The author of short stories, plays, and of a number of prose works. Anton Chekhov was born on January 29, 1860 in the village of Taganrog, in the Rostov region, in the family of a grocer and former serf Pavel Yegorovich Chekhov and the former serf Evgenia Yakovlevna. The family had four children, two sons Anton and Nikolay and two daughters Alexandra and Masha. The family was very poor and the children had to work from childhood. At the age of nine years Anton Chekhov began to go to school, which he graduated in 1876. After school, Chekhov went to Moscow. In 1879 he entered the Medical-Surgical Academy, from which he graduated in 1884. After graduation, Chekhov settled in the city of Vladivostok, where he served as a doctor in the city hospital. At the same time he began to write. Chekhov’s works were published in the newspaper “Vladivostok News”. In 1886-1887 Chekhov visited the island of Sakhalin, where he worked as a doctor in the prison colony. On the island of Sakhalin, he wrote the story “Sakhalin Island”. In 1888 Chekhov returned to Moscow and went to Yalta, where he became a member of the literary salon of Sofia Tolstoy. At that time, Anton Chekhov was already known as a writer: his works were published in the journals “Don”, “Contemporary”, “Notes of the Fatherland”. At the same time, Anton Chekhov became a regular contributor to the journal “Osnova”. In the same year, Anton Chekhov wrote the play “Ivanov” – a work close to the drama of Ibsen. The play was first staged in Moscow, in the theater of Korsh, but it was a failure. In 1889 Chekhov’s play “The Wedding” was performed at the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, but it was also not a success. In 1890 the play “The Wood Demon” was first performed. The play was also not a success, but in it, for the first time, Chekhov’s unusual style of composition was revealed – the play was built not on the conflict, but on the characters’ conversations. The play “The Wood Demon” was first staged in the Moscow Art Theater in 1898. In 1891 the play “Uncle Vanya” was first performed. It was a failure. In 1892 the play “The Seagull” was first performed. It was also a failure. The play “The Seagull” was staged in the Moscow Art Theater only in 1898. General Essay Structure for this Topic
Important informationSpouse: Olga Knipper (m. 1901–1904) Short stories: Boys, The Chameleon, The Bet, Gooseberries, Fat and Thin Plays: The Cherry Orchard 1904, The Seagull 1896, Three Sisters 1901 |
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