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Essay Examples

The Superb Roger O’Farrel –- Part One



Words: 2976 (12 pages)

“What sort of looking man is O’Farrel?” “A fine figure with the carriage of a king.”  She looked me over with a critical eye. “Taller than you, but not so heavily built. Broader of shoulder, but not so deep of chest. A cold, strong handsome face, smooth shaven. Hair as black as yours in spite…

Ted Bundy – Serial Killer, Necrophile and Rapist

Serial Killer

Words: 3841 (16 pages)

During the late 1970s, our nation was shocked and outraged by the rape, mutilation, and murder of several young and beautiful girls. Ted Bundy was identified as the main perpetrator of these horrific crimes and later apprehended and executed. Throughout his incarceration in different prisons, psychologists and psychoanalysts extensively studied him to understand the underlying…

To Kill a Killer: Issue of Death Penalty

Death Penalty


Words: 433 (2 pages)

A few of my friends and I once saw a bumper sticker that questioned, “Why dowe kill people who kill people, to show that killing people is wrong?” Suddenly therewas a wild riot of arguments between us. Even though on that day I was out numberedtwo to three, I was and today still am against…

Compare and Contrast Montressor and Zaroff



Words: 561 (3 pages)

Tales of two very different men, from different times in the past. Both men intrigued with human sacrifice. Even though they are from two different centuries, they share the same interest, although they have different personalities. One, a man from the eighteenth century, lives above the family catacombs, which vowed revenge upon a poor unsuspecting…

William Penn: An adventurous life




Words: 1669 (7 pages)

William Penn was born October 14. 1644 in London excessively Admiral Penn and Margret Penn. William was an adventuresome small male child catching and happening anything he could. He was an highly fast smuggler and could run three stat mis nonstop. When William was really immature he got smallpox and it left him bald ;…

Exam Should Be Abolished

Essays Database


Words: 527 (3 pages)

The sound of the burst of a loud cracker cuts into the silence of a bright sunny morning, this sound is followed by a chorus of “WHAAOOO” by hundreds of kids. This scene is repeated every year on the last day of school, signaling the end of exams. Naturally, children are officially banned from carrying…

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act: It Glitters but is it Gold?

applied ethics

Business Law

Corporate Governance


Words: 325 (2 pages)

Experience has taught us that just because something glitters brightly, when you scratch the surface, you quickly realize that it is not gold. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act shines brilliantly as if it could be the answer to the problem of false reporting, but when one delves deeper, it is easily uncovered as a band-aid on a…

Take home exam Semiological, semiotic or structural approaches



Words: 1465 (6 pages)

Signs 1- Semiological, semiotic or structural approaches to systems of signification are rooted in linguistic theory. Explain how the analysis of language can help us deconstruct meaning as it inscribes itself in different types of narratives whether verbal or non-verbal. All human beings create action sequences. They go to school; they drive a car; they…

Janet’s Project Research




Research methods


Scientific method


Words: 1719 (7 pages)

1. In Janet’s final project, one of her ideas utilizes a correlational design. In a correlational design, there is research involved. These researches usually involve using observational, archival, or survey methods to test a hypothesis. There is at least two variables being looked at in a correlational design, and these variables are rarely manipulated. Instead,…

Panopticism Case Sample


Crime Prevention

Words: 1619 (7 pages)

In his essay Panopticism. Focault gives support to the basic statement refering the panopticon. that communicating is cardinal to knowledge. Within the panopticon. there is no communicating among the captives or those who view them. He breaks down our societal or economical systems and explains societies outlook on the jurisprudence system. He answer the “why’s”…

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