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Essay Examples

Improve Your Team Culture with Team Building Activities


Team Building

Words: 446 (2 pages)

In today’s business environment, having a harmonious and enjoyable work atmosphere is highly beneficial. It is widely recognized that employee happiness directly correlates with increased productivity. No one would willingly put in effort for a company if they dislike their colleagues or are unable to work well together. Many businesses have recognized this and taken…

Unleavened Bread of Jewish Culture Research Paper


Words: 515 (3 pages)

In the Jewish culture, unleavened bread is usually eaten during Passover. The important of unleavened bread to Jewish people is how it represents Christ. In addition, it speaks of sanctification, in a way it also represents how a person is pure of no evil. The most common unleavened bread eaten on Passover is matzah. This…

Western and Eastern Culture: An Essential Comparison


Words: 572 (3 pages)

The Christian religion taught that man is made from the image of God; that is, man shares in the God’s sovereignty over the physical world. Aquinas said, “As long as the foundations of the earth exist, man would continue to share in the heavenly blessing of authority” (Aquinas, 240). God gave man authority to rule…

Liturgical Inculturation: The Asian Liturgy in St. Patrick’s Proto-Cathedral


Words: 2980 (12 pages)

INTRODUCTION The liturgy of a church is an integral element which serves to characterize not only that particular church, but also the entire Christian community it belongs to.  The way the congregation worships reveals a lot about the kind of church they belong to.  Ideally, the liturgy should also be authentic enough to also project…

Enculturation Reflection


Words: 1100 (5 pages)

Culture plays a major role in the development of minds now days. From things such as certain locations to skin color, everybody is impacted by their culture in some way. It affects the way people act, the way they dress, what they eat, who they associate themselves with, who or what they worship, etc. Truman…

Cultural Differences in the Two Countries


Words: 920 (4 pages)

Cultural variations are the various views, attitudes, cultures, actions, and expressions that are considered distinctive to the arms of the particular community, race or national origin. Cultural differences always make a clash between other individuals’ ideas, and it is very important to get to know about the fellow workers’ culture and their various attitudes and…

What is Cultural Appropriation


Words: 438 (2 pages)

With majority of today’s society being relatively acquainted with social media, it allows for more social topics to spark attention nearly all around the world. Recently, cultures have been “awoken” again to actions that have become “normal” in a sense. These actions which have been under harsh scrutiny display social issues that certain ethnicities have…

Future Scope of Horticulture Crops: Pakistan



Words: 3618 (15 pages)

Present status and future scope of Horticultural crops: In Pakistan: The total geographical area of Pakistan is about 796,096 sq. km. Most of the areas in the Punjab and Sindh provinces are comprised of plain land, formed by the River Indus. Pakistan is known for its excellent network of canals and rich agricultural lands, with…

Cultural Artifacts


Words: 1094 (5 pages)

Artifacts come in so many shapes and sizes, different aspects of life and they also remind different cultures what happened in the past and how to learn for the future. The boom box is one of those artifacts that are present in history, since there are so many developments that occurred after this development of…

Matsushita and Japan’s Changing Culture


Words: 541 (3 pages)

1. What were triggers of cultural change in Japan during the 1990s? How is cultural change starting to affect traditional values in Japan? During the 1950s -1980s Matsushita was able to benefit from traditional Japanese culture because the business was able to hold onto personnel through period of extreme growth, hence retaining acquired knowledge, experience…

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