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Essay Examples
A Look at the Nursing Field
Why I Want to Be a Nurse
Why did I choose Nursing out of all the careers in the world? I’ve always loved to help people in any way possible. When I was a little girl playing doctor was my favorite activity. Majority of my personality test results all fit into the ideal type of person that is in the Nursing field….
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum
Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Through time, men and women, have encountered many dangers, that has cost a multitude of lives and almost wiped out humanity. Some of these dangers were caused by contact, fighting wars, and natural disasters. But, there are some killers that cannot be seen and act like invisible agents of death, waiting for the perfect moment…
Psychopath And Sociopath In Society
Mental Health
A psychopath is a person that lacks empathy for the people around them, who is also extremely selfish and has a lack of guilt, etc. In society psychopath and sociopath are always getting mixed together the difference between the two is that a sociopath can form bonds with others (usually family) while a psychopath will…
The Changing Face of Death
Heart Disease
Heart Disease continues to be the leading cause of deaths in the United States and worldwide, despite a decline of nearly 50 percent over the last 30 years. Healthcare experts use the term heart disease to describe several conditions. The most common are: Arrhythmia, which is described as an irregular heartbeat. Atherosclerosis occurs when a…
Analysis of “The March of Death” By Bienvenido Santos
An Analysis of Bienvenido Santos’ The March of Death Bienvenido Santos’ March of Death created impacts of various sorts for me. First, it struck me emotionally. The language used in the poem was simple yet hadn’t failed to portray images beautifully; painfully at times. Lines such as “Did you look through the blood in your…
Healthcare In America
Health Care
You find yourself once again in a fluorescent-lit room, across from a doctor who will give you only possible reasons you’re experiencing the pain you’re in. You don’t know what worries you more, the thought that the pain you’re in is an unwelcome guest at the front door of your life , or the fact…
miRNA on breast cancer
Breast cancer
MicroRNA (miRNA) In the history, the two scientists shared Noble Prize in 2006 for their invention of RNA interference which is the regulatory influence on gene expression by RNA degradation process. MiRNA is initially discovered from Caenorhabditis elegans that free-living, transparent nematode (roundworm), later found in a wide variety of mammals, including humans. According to…
The Effect of ADHD on the Life
There are no windows and my gaze rests on the orange door of my classroom. My foot moves up and down and my attention goes from one side to the other. My teacher is just a few steps from me, but in my head I only hear his voice as background noise. The focus of…
Why I Chose to Become A Medical Assistant Research Paper
Medical assistant
The numerous opportunities and potential for growth in the medical industry are driving my decision to become a Certified Medical Assistant. I am confident that obtaining certification in this field will lead to long-term satisfaction in my chosen career. Having a strong passion for the medical field and a genuine desire to help others, working…
Antibiotic Exposure in the First Year of Life and the Risk of ADHD
According to Aatsinki, et al. (2019), Gut microbiota composition is largely linked to a series of temperament traits that occur among infants. The context of the study by Hamad, et al (2019) is to explore the occurrence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) among infants after they are administered with a certain dosage of antibiotic medications. The…