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Essay Examples
Purpose of Assessment
Formative assessment
The main objective of assessment is for the learner to showcase their understanding of content and accomplishment of learning outcomes, providing evidence of their learning. This also offers crucial insights into their strengths and areas in need of improvement. For teachers, assessment serves as an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of their strategies and enhance…
Compare and Contrast Person Centred with Psychodynamic
Sigmund Freud
When comparing and contrasting the differences in the three approaches, I will review the relationship between client and counsellor. I will attempt to discover how the relationship is formed and how it is maintained during the therapeutic process. Once this has been established, I will then look at how the changes occur in the therapeutic…
Compare contrast Karl Marx and Adam Smith
Karl Marx
Karl Marx, one of the most controversial twentieth century figures was the mastermind of the concept of communism as well as a radical revolutionary and philosopher of his time. Adam Smith was a well known proponent of capitalism and often called ‘the father of economics’. There are several ideologies of Marx and Smith that have…
Compare and Contrast Aristotle’s Concept of the Good with Plato’s
Throughout history, people have searched for knowledge of the good, and have attempted to clarify what is meant when referring to this. Enquiries after a true concept of the good are made so that it is possible for moral frameworks to be built upon them. Interpretations of the good affect views, approaches to morality and…
Skepticism in Science
It is a fact that science follows a certain methodological framework as a basis for the many developments in its different sub-disciplines. From Biology to Chemistry, it can be observed that there is often, if not always, the scientific method as a guide in establishing certain findings. Without following the procedures espoused by scientific…
Mintzberg 5 Ps of Strategy
Human nature insists on a definition for every concept. The field of strategic management cannot afford to rely on a single definition of strategy, indeed the word has long been used implicitly in different ways even if it has traditionally been defined formally in only one. Explicit recognition of multiple definitions can help practitioners and…
The Subject I Hate the Most in School
Everyone deserves a good father. Everywhere I go I see kids spending time with their fathers, but not me. My father is my worst enemy. For example, he picks his wife over me, he makes me feel like a small kid next to bigfoot, and he made me into a person I don’t want to…
The Development of My Love for Math
For me, math is like breathing. When I look at math, the numbers arrange themselves in my head to make sense of the problem at hand sometimes I need to do a little more thinking, but often the numbers just come together after I work with them a little. I have always loved math, and…
Power vs Authority
“Authority and power are two different things: power is the force using which you can oblige others to obey you. Authority is the right to direct and command, to be listened to or obeyed by others. Authority requests power. Power without authority is tyranny.” – JACQUES MARITAIN, “The Democratic Charter,” Man and the State. There…
Gestalt Theory: Definition and Description
Sigmund Freud
Abstract Gestalt therapy is defined as a process which comprises a comprehensive, streamlined, process-oriented, dialogical, phenomenological, and existential approach to human change while focusing on the aspects of centrality of contact, awareness, personal responsiveness and responsibility. Uniqueness of the individual is accorded due primacy and the person is never reduced to parts and structural…