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Essay Examples

Nakajima Dental Clinic Descriptive Writing


Human Activities

Words: 531 (3 pages)

Nakajima Dental Clinic Boldly, I approach the building, open the door, and then pause at the “genkan” to take off my shoes. The “genkan” is a traditional Japanese entryway that serves as a porch and doormat, situated at the same level as the outside. Stepping onto the raised floor, I bend down to face my…

“Consider the Lobster” Analysis

Human Activities


Words: 286 (2 pages)

This paper will give an analysis of the essay “Consider the Lobster” in terms of its purpose and writing pattern. The purpose of the essay is to have readers reflect on eating the lobster and the morality behind the carnivorous lifestyle of those who enjoy it. They should consider the creature’s pain in cooking competitions…

The “Lone Wolf” of the Texas Rangers



Words: 2151 (9 pages)

Howard had great respect for the Texas Rangers whose acts of bravery, bravado and skilled gunplay are forever a part of the Texas mythos. Today, at the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum in Waco, these brave lawmen are immortalized. So if you are ever in Waco with a few hours to kill, you can visit…

Turning Point in my life



Words: 1073 (5 pages)

Turning Point in my lifeI can recall the sharp, pungent taste of the bitter coffee. Time stood still as the television broke the harsh, metallic images of the planes crashing through the World Trade Centre and the Twin Towers, transforming the buildings into confetti and all of it dissipating in a round ball of flames….

GunControl: Annotated Bibliography


Words: 418 (2 pages)

Frates, Chris. “The Gun Debate Isn’t Over Yet.” National Journal (2013): Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. In this article written by Chris Frates, the author talks about how democrats and republicans are going back, and forth on gun control laws. Both parties are finding it difficult to come to an agreement. While…

American Popular Imagination


Words: 2878 (12 pages)

Coercion has never been a sufficient strategy for empires since their inception. To legitimise their powers, they had to leverage strategies such as religion. “Reddite quae sunt Caesaris Caesari et quae sunt Dei Deo”( Matt. 22.21), ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, give to God what is God’s ‘. Through this sentence we can dwell in…

Reactionary black supremacist movement

Critical Theory


Identity Politics

Prejudice and discrimination


Social inequality

Social Issues

Words: 373 (2 pages)

Racism has always been a persistent issue in the United States, specifically between blacks and whites. This problem remains prevalent even today. An autobiography titled Black Like Me recounts the experiences of John Howard Griffin, a white southerner who was deeply committed to social justice. The book chronicles his remarkable transformation. Griffin embarks on a…

Frees: The Complex Issue of Affirmative Acti

Human Activities



Words: 760 (4 pages)

on affirmative argumentative persuasiveThe Complex Issue of Affirmative Action During fraternity rush in my first year of college, I visited several fraternities and was always given a short speech on what the fraternity was looking for and what they stood for. I no longer remember what each fraternity claimed to be about, but I do…

The Morality of Killing Zombies

Categorical imperative


Words: 2690 (11 pages)

Zombies: To Kill or not to Kill Aneet Bains Philosophy 106 Zombies are pervasive in our contemporary culture; whether they are terrorizing attractive actors in movies or television shows, or they are being meticulously detailed in comics and books, zombies seem to have invaded the popular mediums of entertainment. To be clear, when I refer…

Sartre’s Existentialism


Words: 263 (2 pages)

Sartre`s Existentialism Sartres essay on existentialism was relatively an easy reading mostly becauseof his frequent use of examples. His ideas on existentialism are in a way backedup and explained through his examples. Morality and the responsibility ofmaintaining morality through free will seem to be the predominant point Sartewants us to understand. He explains the reasons…

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