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Essay Examples


Advantages and disadvantages of ratio analysis




Words: 1008 (5 pages)

Ratio analysis:Advantages: With the aid of accounting ratios, the fiscal information can be accessible in a farther apprehensible signifier. Cardinal information can be obtained by utilizing ratio analysis. It besides helps in set uping the concern and besides edifying the fiscal place. By intriguing different ratios concerns get utile information which helps a batch in…

IMM Written Report


human communication




Words: 645 (3 pages)

We have a animation of a foreigner at the beginning. Then, you can click the door to enter the restaurant. After we prepare a order card for audience to choose the food or t EAI by clicking various parts of the cards. 6 In each of our flash product, we have included a menu page,…

How Internet Censorship Affects You


Internet censorship

Words: 1034 (5 pages)

The Internet is a wonderful place of entertainment and education, but like all places where people conspire, there are some corners that people would prefer children not to explore. World society as a whole attempt to protect children, yet there are n required technological constraints to Internet surfing. In a civilization where people have become…

Problems with Social Networking


Social Network

Social Networking

Words: 1439 (6 pages)

The way people communicate has been significantly changed by technology, eliminating the need for physical presence. In the past, certain tasks required face-to-face interactions, but now a laptop and web cam are enough. Facebook and Twitter have played a major role in making cyber communication popular. While these platforms enable global connections, they also have…

Social Work and Common Sense

Common sense



Words: 709 (3 pages)

“I always thought that Social Work was 90% common sense and 10% good heart!” This statement could not be more false. According to Webster’s Dictionary, common sense is ‘sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.’ Obviously, in any career that you pursue, common sense is a requirement. Even…

Pros and Cons of Surrogacy


Human development

Interpersonal Relationship



Sexual reproduction

Words: 1528 (7 pages)

University Outline Introduction Opener. Thesis statement: However, they still need to be conscious of the advantages and disadvantages of surrogacy that has brought to them as well as the surrogate mother. There are several advantages and disadvantages that the intended parents must consider before they decide on surrogacy. Advantages provide an alternative to adoption procedure…

Eric’s Character Development in An Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley




Words: 1134 (5 pages)

In “An Inspector Calls”, Eric is seen by the audience to be conflicting in his character He could be perceived as admirable but also he presents some detestable qualities, Priestley uses him to show that although society has made errors, it‘s possible to change, especially if you are open enough and caring enough to look…

An on Computer Ethics



Words: 3048 (13 pages)

Essay We are populating in one of the most complicated epoch of human history. The growing rate of engineering and information entree and copiousness are at a degree where human head frequently can’t comprehend. Technology is playing a major function in all sectors. We are taught to utilize computing machines and other engineerings, but all…

Juvenile institutions


Words: 3093 (13 pages)

            According to Hart Hastings in his distinguished book ‘Preventive treatment of neglected children’, the history of juvenile institutions dates back to 1898 when Illinois Juvenile Court Act was enacted.  He further argued that its history was an evolutionary one that was characterized by numerous issues. (Hart H, 1971).  A major concern had been that…

Persuasive assignment handout



Supply Chain

Words: 1669 (7 pages)

Overview of Target’s Supply Chain A company’s value chain consists of a multitude of chains that intertwine to form the value chain. One of these is the supply chain. Supply chains focus on the effectiveness and efficiency of the location as well as production and logistics and cost management. One of the main focuses of…

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What Is a Technology Essay?

A technology essay is similar to other college essays in that it requires you to construct a persuasive argument based on relevant data and critical reasoning to answer a specific research question. It is a major assignment, similar to any academic essay, that requires you to complete multiple steps before submitting it, including assessing the question, gathering resources, information, and evidence, making a plan (outline), writing the rough draft, editing, and proofreading.

Some crucial elements must be included in a technology essay:

  • a strong thesis statement and a clear introduction
  • properly designed body paragraphs that provide supporting information from scholarly sources;
  • a powerful last paragraph that restates your essay’s topic and highlights the main points and thesis statement

To write a compelling technology essay, you’ll need to demonstrate your knowledge of the subject and use critical thinking abilities to conduct a thorough analysis of a number of academic sources to back up your claim.

Steps in Doing Research for Your Technology Essay Writing

Wondering how to get started? Follow these steps.

1. Find an Technology Topic Idea

Choose a wide topic that interests you and then narrow it down so that you can address it in your technology essay. You could be interested in data mining, for example. Because this is such a large topic, you should focus on one part of it and write about it, for example, basic data mining methods for company or predictive analytics.

2. Making an Outline

After you’ve acquired enough relevant information, you’ll need to organize your thoughts and consider the layout of your technology essay using several brainstorming strategies. You must create a precise outline to assist you in staying focused on the topic you have chosen and working more efficiently. Furthermore, a clear outline can help you avoid writer’s block because you will be able to begin writing your essay from any point in the outline.

3. Body Paragraphs

You must defend, explain, or describe your issue in the body. The amount of body paragraphs in your essay will equal the number of primary points you have established to illustrate your case.

Keep in mind that the general structure of each body paragraph should be the same. Every paragraph in the body of your essay must begin with a topic sentence that gives one point to back up your thesis statement. The next step is to provide some supporting thoughts and provide relevant examples to back up your claim. Make careful to connect supporting concepts and end each body paragraph with a conclusion sentence that connects to the next.

4. Conclusion

You must summarize your overall ideas and provide a final opinion on the topic of your essay in the conclusion. There’s no need to go overboard with your final paragraph. You can summarize your main ideas and restate your thesis in a few forceful lines.

Tips on how to writing technology essay

It’s time to revise and proofread your final copy if you’re satisfied with the substance and logic. You can use the checklist below to help you with your modifications.

  • Make sure you’ve answered all of the elements of the assignment question;
  • Examine the structure of your essay to ensure that it has a distinct beginning, middle, and end. Within each paragraph, look for a framework;
  • Is there a topic sentence in every paragraph? To ensure that each paragraph is connected, look for transition words and transition sentences.
  • Make sure your introduction and conclusion are correct.

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