In Jim Burn’s “The 10 Building Blocks for a Happy Family,” he provided an overview and tips on how to maintain happy family. Also, several issues concerning this topic were also addressed in this article. Meanwhile, the research made by Krysan, Moore and Zill called “Identifying Successful Families: An Overview of Construct and Selected Measures,” the authors focused on showing the different factors that contribute in having a strong, health and successful family.
The book was intended to help professionals ho study this subject in order to help them develop programs and policies for families. I will serve as a handbook for professionals and family as well. “Sisters and Brothers/Daughters and Sons: Meeting the Needs of Old parents” by Sarah Matthews narrated about the treatment of elderly parents after World War II. It is a narrative that depicted elderly parents in a realistic and positive manner.
This book will be good for academic research and study. Moreover, the video “No magic answers: approaches to effective parenting,” provided a variety of views and opinions from different parents on how to properly raise their children. It is mainly consist of discussions of parents on the issue of parenting and their role in the lives of their children.
Lastly, the article entitled “The Secret of a Close-Knit Family or Relationship” by Gary Smalley focused on giving tips to its viewer regarding what things are necessary in having a close-knit family. The claims mentioned the article were based on the results of the author’s interviews with different families. Generally, the sources used for this essay were interconnected that strengthened the thesis statement.
For the style and format of the essay, the author employed narrated about his experiences and at the same time supported his claims with the studies made by professionals. The tone of the essay was not intimidating; in fact it made use of personal touches to make it the essay more experience-based.
This essay has effectively answered its thesis statement that happiness and closeness in the family are achieved through the three factors mentioned. Also, through the informative content, cohesive structure, substantial research and personal style, the essay can be easily comprehended by the readers and it will also serve as a guide to families.