Fan Identification in Professional Sports

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This article discusses the different levels of fan identification with sports teams. Low identification fans are attracted to the entertainment value of the sport, while medium identification fans are drawn to certain attributes or players. High identification fans have a strong emotional bond and commitment to the sport, often investing time and money. Managerial factors such as team characteristics, organizational characteristics, affiliation characteristics, and activity characteristics can influence fan identification. Highly identified fans are beneficial for teams as they provide a consistent and loyal fan base, regardless of performance.

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Level 1: Low Identification

Fans who are categorized as having low identification may be drawn to the sport/team solely for the enjoyment they receive from the product. It is an enduring yet passive connection that lacks strong emotional and involved attachment, but there is certainly a relationship present.

Level 2: Medium Identification

This refers to the link between a sport or team and specific appealing qualities or elements. The level of attachment within this fan group can be affected by social factors, team accomplishments, or player traits. Personally, I identify with this fan connection in relation to various sports. Instead of having preferred teams, I have favored individual players. Therefore, if these players are traded or signed by another team, I tend to continue supporting them throughout their career, as seen in the example of Mike Vick.

Level 3: High Identification

This refers to the most devoted, steadfast, and enduring connection a fan/participant can have with a sport or team. The connection signifies a significant dedication and loyalty, whether it be in terms of finances, time, or both. These fans often develop an emotional attachment to the sport/product and consider themselves as crucial contributors to the team’s accomplishments.

Managerial Factors

1. Successful teams and seasons attract fans who want to be associated with them.
2. Organizational characteristics include the ownership, decision-making, and historical traditions of the franchise.
3. Affiliation characteristics have the most significant impact on fan identification and can greatly contribute to building fan loyalty in the long run.
4. Actual attendance at games and media exposure through electronic and print media can increase fan involvement.

Benefits for managers of a highly successful team

One major advantage of having highly identified fans is that their loyalty to the team remains unaffected by its performance. The Boston Red Sox exemplify this, as they maintained a strong and dedicated fan base across all sports, even during a 70-year World Series drought. Attracting a large crowd becomes easier when the team has such devoted fans.

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Fan Identification in Professional Sports. (2017, Feb 10). Retrieved from

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