Having a White Christmas One Way or Another

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This was the strangest December ever in Salem, Virginia history. It was cold but not December cold, it was more like September cold. It was more like autumn and less like winter. The temperature never went lower than 55 degrees, and it went as high as 80 degrees All the news channels blamed it on global warming; all the weather channels said we might not even get snow this year. But they are wrong, It was December 24, Christmas eve, and I was determined to have a white Christmas one way, or another. I had already wrote Santa hundreds of letters wishing for a white Christmas, I had even been to the mall at least a dozen times to sit on Santa’s lap and beg him for even the slightest sign of snow, but so far, nothing. I had waited till last minute to see if Santa would grant me my wish, but it didn’t seem like he was going to I should have known better, then to trust a creepy old man who watches kids while they sleep.

So I guess I would have to find a way to make it snow myself. I worked and researched all morning to find out how to make it snow I had tried everything I could think of. First I tried to make my own snow but that was a bust, Then I tried every superstition and chants I could think of. I tried wearing my Pajamas inside out (cause it was suppose to confuse the snow Gods), I tried leaving a spoon under my pillow like the pilgrims did each winter, I flushed ice cubes down the toilet (which was meant to signify a cold front to the snow Gods), I ran around the table five times repeating a snow chant, I even threw shaved ice outside to send the “Great” snow Gods a direct message. Still nothing ever happened. I was getting tired and disheartened, I was running out of time, and I didn’t think it was ever going to snow. It was already eight o’clock and I didn‘t have any more ideas.

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Feeling very defeated I went upstairs to get ready for bed hoping I could at least dream of a white Christmas, And boy did I ever? That night I dreamed of the perfect white Christmas, I was woken up by my little brother, who was tugging my arm telling me to hurry up and come look at it. I was so confused as I groggily got out of my bed and stumbled down the stairs. It was so cold inside my house I could see my breath. I was wondering why it was so cold until I followed my brother outside to see the whitest snow I had ever seen, it was up to my knees. Overcome with joy I dove right in and started playing in it without even bothering to go put on my hat and coat.

Before I had a chance to really enjoy it I was pulled back into reality I was woken up by my little brotherjumping up and down on my bed yelling merry Christmas, As he merrily ran out of my room, I reluctantly got out of bed, upset I about my dream ending too early. As I went downstairs to go open my presents I had this biggest surprise of my life. It was snowing! It had to be at least 3 inches already. I ran outside as fast as I could and played in it. I didn’t know what caused whether it was Santa or the snow Gods, but it honestly didn’t matter cause I had gotten my white Christmas.

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Having a White Christmas One Way or Another. (2023, May 19). Retrieved from


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