Impact of Advertising on Youth

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Young person is considered as a period of passage from the dependance of childhood to the independency of maturity. Due to the enlargement of planetary higher instruction and delayed matrimony. the period of clip from young person to maturity has been extended longer compared to before the enlargement. As aconsequence. the sellers. pedagogues and policy shapers consider youth phase as a phase that is going more of import to them ( Assaad and Roudi-Fahimi. 2007 ) . Harmonizing to United Nation ( UN ) . they define ‘youth’ as “those individuals between the ages of 15 and 24 years” ( UNESCO. 2013 ) . Malaya follows the United Nation’s definition of young person by altering the old age group of young person from 18 to 40 old ages old to the new age group of 18 to 25 old ages old under a new National Young person Policy ( The Star Online. 2011 ) . Based on Malaysia Demographics Profile 2014. the figure of population for age construction 15 to 24 old ages old is 2. 580. 486 for male and 2. 511. 579 for female ( Index Mundi. 2014 ) .

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Consumer buying behavior or besides known as consumer purchaser behavior is studied to be an inseparable portion of selling and Schiffman ( 2007 ) province that consumer purchasing behavior is “the behaviors that consumers display in seeking for. buying. utilizing. measuring. and disposing of merchandises and services that they expect will fulfill their needs” . Ad is a marketers’ technique and a method of communicating to promote and carry possible or current consumers. These possible or current consumers can be viewing audiences. readers or hearers and they will be persuaded to go on utilizing the marketers’ services or merchandises or take some new action after the advertizement. Patrons normally paid for the advertisement messages and it can be viewed by agencies of legion traditional media and new media ( Upadhyay & A ; Joshi. 2014 ) .

Ad Industry in Malaysia

In Malaysia. the advertisement industry is considered as a profitable concern. Malaysia spends about RM2. 39 billion in the first half of the twelvemonth 2007 and this is a 9 % addition from the same period in the twelvemonth 2006 where it is RM2. 2 billion. This shows there is a steady growing for this industry in Malaysia ( The Report Malaysia. 2008 ) . Furthermore. from the twelvemonth 2000. there is an addition of 76 % for advertisement outgo with film. point-of-sale and radio advertisement sing a triple-digit growing for this same period of clip ( The Report Malaysia. 2008 ) . Although this industry is moneymaking for concern. the content for advertizement is extremely restricted by the Malaysian Communication & A ; Multimedia Content Code ( MCMCC. 2009 ) . Aim

Malaysia’s entire advertisement outgo rose 22 % by the first half of 2008 compared to the last year’s advertisement outgo. This accounted to the outgo of RM2. 9 billion entirely for advertizement ( Malayan Communications and Multimedia Commission. 2009 ) . There is no certainty that the money spent on advertizements will give the necessary net incomes that these companies expected to derive. Due to the fact that the highest buying power belongs to the young persons. the companies should aim the bing young person market. In order to aim this market. companies should be equipped with extended cognition on which facet of advertizement that to a great extent influences the youths’ buying behavior. This research aims to happen the factors of advertisement that influences the youths’ buying behavior. As young person buying power is on the rise and the content of advertizement is extremely restricted by the Malaysian Communication & A ; Multimedia Content Code. it is imperative for the sellers and advertizers to understand what facets of advertizement that entreaties to the eyes of the young person consumers.

Motivation of this Survey

Global young person market is “an waxy and loyal market that are doing determinations and garnering information on merchandises and companies that could last a lifetime” ( Maddock. n. d. ) . The international sellers and advertizers consider the planetary young person market as a notable market to see due to its size. homogeneousness and its lifting buying power. Due to the consideration that they are a important market. these knowing consumers that are in the young person market have been sniped with publicities for most of their lives. Although there are many types of selling arms that can be used to act upon them. advertisement still remains as the chief arm due to its longer impact on viewer’s head ( Katke. 2007 ) .

Even though it is a known fact that youths’ buying power is on the rise compared to other scope of age. there are still limited researches that have been done sing this subject. Most researches centred on the relationship between advertisement and general consumer buying behaviors in other states. There are unequal sum of research that was done refering the relationship between advertisement and youths’ buying behaviors in Malaysia. Therefore. this research is made to understand what makes an advertisement desirable to the Malayan young persons and its influences on their buying behavior. Problem Statements

The universe in twelvemonth 2014 is home to 1. 8 billion immature people from the age of 10 until 24 ( UNFPA. 2014 ) and bulk of the buying power belongs to them. This makes them the most persuasive in doing purchasing determinations in footings of nutrient. vesture and autos to amusement and household holidaies. They even have a say on what type of place they will populate in ( Jennifer Waters. 2006 ) . This makes the young persons an of import mark market for advertisement bureau and companies all around the universe. The primary mission of advertizement is to make the intended consumer and act upon their consciousness attitudes and purchasing behavior. As they spend a immense amount of money to keep the consumer’s involvement in their merchandises. they need to understand what catches the consumer’s involvement. Furthermore. due to the heavy regulated nature of this concern. it is critical to measure the factors of youths’ attitude towards advertisement to detect what antecedents that would impact youths’ penchants are.

Research Questions

The research inquiries are as follows:

1. Which facet of advertisement influence young persons in buying the merchandise or service? 2. What is the relationship between advertizement and young persons buying behavior? 3. Why is publicizing critical in guaranting the endurance of the company? Research Objectives

The aims of this research are to:1. Identify the facets of advertizement which influences young persons in buying the merchandise or service. 2. Determine the relationship between advertizement and youths’ buying behavior. 3. Determine the importance of advertisement in guaranting the endurance of the company. Scope of this Research

This research centres around the impact of advertisement on youths’ buying behavior. In this research. young person is considered as anyone from age 18 to 24 old ages old. Furthermore. this research will be conducted at four different private universities in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia ( HELP University. Open University and University of Kuala Lumpur ) as there is a limited sum of money and clip to go to anywhere else. In add-on. this research merely consider pupils from different classs ; one class per one private university. This research will merely prove whether the Independent Variables ( credibleness. enlightening. hedonic/pleasure. good for economic system ) influences the Dependent Variable ( impact of advertisement on youths’ buying behavior ) .

Significance of this research

All companies in Malaysia spend a immense amount of money on marketing scheme of advertizement to present the merchandise or services that they provide in market to consumers. Furthermore. with the limitations to make originative advertizements from the Malaysian Communication & A ; Multimedia Content Code. it made the occupation of the advertizers harder due to restricted contents that are allowed in an advertizement. Therefore. through this research. sellers and advertizers are able to place the facets of advertizements that young persons in Malaysia prefer to hold in an advertizement. This will assist to salvage a batch of the selling world’s outgo and clip as they are able to come up with a more efficient. successful and popular advertizement to accommodate the gustatory sensation of young persons in Malaysia.

Theoretical Model

The dependant variable for this research is ‘impact of advertisement on young person buying behaviour’ . This research aims to happen the factors of advertisement that influences the youths’ buying behavior. The first independent variable is ‘credibility’ . Harmonizing to MacKenzie and Lutz ( 1989 ) . advertisement credibleness is consumers’ overall consciousness towards the honestness. dependability. dependableness and credibleness of an advertizement. The 2nd independent variable is ‘informative’ . As receivers react really positively towards advertizements that provide information. information is treated as a really valuable inducement in the selling universe ( Varshney. 2003 ) .

The 3rd independent variable in this research is ‘hedonic or pleasure’ . Abd Aziz. Mohd Yasin. and Syed A. Kadir ( 2008 ) found that advertizements can be enjoyable and entertaining in luring and retaining attending given to customers’ desires and demands. Last. the 4th independent variable is ‘good for economy’ . Based on the research done by Bauer and Greyser ( 1968 ) . over 70 per centum of their research sample believed that the living criterion increased due to advertisement and this in bend led to good merchandises.

Underpining Theory

The underpinning theory that will be used as a counsel to carry through portion of this research is the Hierarchy of Effects Model by Robert J. Lavidge and Gary A. Steiner. This selling communicating theoretical account that was created in the twelvemonth 1961 suggests that there are six phases that an advertizer has to steer the consumer to travel through. After these six phases. the consumer has to make up one’s mind whether to purchase or non the merchandises or services offered. The six phases comprises of consciousness. cognition. liking. penchant. strong belief and the concluding phase. purchase ( Nguyen. 2013 ) . This research will be utilizing the Hierarchy of Effects Model as a usher to develop the inquiries in the research’s questionnaire and besides as a usher to analyze and understand the research’s consequences.

Proposed Research Methodology

The chief intent of this research is “To Evaluate the Impact of Advertising on Youths’ Purchasing Behaviour” among Malayan young persons. A study will be conducted amongst the private university pupils in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia and a thorough analysis of the consequences will be made. Sample Size

A sample of “200” questionnaires will be distributed for the intent of survey and analysis.Sampling Unit of measurementSampling unit consist of private university pupils in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia. Sampling TechniqueConvenience sampling technique ( non-probability sampling ) is traveling to be used for the study. Questionnaire will be filled by the private university pupils. Data aggregation: informations will be collected through primary and secondary beginnings. 1. Primary informations: primary informations are traveling to be collected with the aid of structured questionnaire. 2. Secondary informations: Beginning of secondary informations is traveling to be collected utilizing the aid of published studies. diaries. and believable web sites.


In this research. the sample will consists of 200 pupils ( N = 200 ) selected from university pupils from four private universities in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia utilizing convenient sampling technique. The sample size will be consisted of university pupils of age between 18 to 24 old ages old from four different classs.

Survey Instruments

The chief aim of this research is to analyze the impact of advertisement on youths’ buying behavior for private university pupils in Kuala Lumpur. The information for this research will be collected by good developed. structured five point Likert Scale questionnaires. All of the questionnaires are traveling to be distributed among the pupils from four different private universities of four different classs. The replies from the questionnaire will be collected in a period of two hebdomads and the consequences will be analysed and evaluated utilizing Statistical Package for Social Science ( SPSS ) version 20. 0 of IBM. The questionnaire is divided into two subdivisions ; subdivision I and subdivision II.

Section I contains inquiries about the consciousness about the advertizements and subdivision II contains inquiries that describes the recent purchase the private pupils had done with the aid of the advertizements that they have seen and attracted to. For this research. the Likert graduated table will incorporate a five point graduated table where figure 1 is for strongly agrees while figure 5 if for strongly disagrees. The five point Likert graduated table will be defined as below to assist with the analysis of the consequences. ( Number 1 )

Strongly hold

( Number 2 ) Agree( Number 3 ) Neutral/No sentiment( Number 4 ) Disagree( Number 5 ) Strongly disagree


Ad industry is a really moneymaking industry in Malaysia as it is able to do a high net income in a short clip. The same can non be said for any company that invests a immense sum of money in to do advertizements for their merchandises or services. Ad is a hazard that companies have to take in order to distribute consciousness to consumers about their new or existing merchandises. When a peculiar advertizement is successful in catching the consumers’ attending and able to convert them to buy the merchandise or services. the gross revenues for the company will increase but when it fails. the net incomes beads. As companies need to take such high hazards every clip they need to bring forth advertizements. it is of import for them to cognize which market has the highest buying power and to hold knowledge on how to pull these possible consumers.

It is identified that young persons have the highest purchasing power among all scope of ages and this research aims to place the factors of advertisement that influences the youths’ buying behavior. This research’s theoretical model consists of four independent variables that are credibleness. enlightening. hedonic/pleasure and good for economic system and the dependant variable is impact of advertisement on youths’ buying behavior. In order to put to death the research. Hierarchy of Effects Model by Robert J. Lavidge and Gary A. Steiner will be used as an underpinning theory. Five point Likert Scale questionnaires will be distributed and collected in two hebdomads to university pupils from four different private universities. This research will be done in hopes that companies are able to bring forth more stimulating and successful advertizements to young persons.

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