It’s just not fair, I Onlyget to live for 21 daysat the most. Now that isn’t enough time to live my life and do all of thethings I want to do. The world is so big, so hard to survive. I feel likeeveryone is out there to get me. I just go for a leisurely fly through theforest and a frog could eat me. Or if I feel like going on an adventure,through a giant’s house. What are they called? I think the right name forthem is a h-h-human! Shhh, I just said the forbidden word!
If you getcaught saying that around other flies you will be tortured until death! Itis every fly’s worst fear! But anyway, like I was saying, if I go through ahumans house and don’t get out in time I could be locked away in there foreternity!I don’t see why those humans hate us. They think that we are dirty littleinsects just because we lay maggots, they aren’t that bad. They areactually kind of cute in a way! As soon as a human see’s one of us, outcomes the can, so they can release the white spirit of death to choke usuntil we die!
They are such heartless beings but even worse, the babyhumans. They get such pleasure out of picking us up and picking our wingsoff one by one! Ouch! Just the thought of it makes me cringe. That oncehappened to my cousin many generations ago and he couldn’t fly. Then justto top things off a huge hairy animal was chasing him around and after awhile it sadly ate him! It was all over the news and ever since thenno fly goes into a humans house unless there is a really good reason to.
Us flies don’t really have many friends out there. Some people get usconfused with bee’s and that is the worst insult someone can say to a fly. Fly’s and bee’s do not get along! You will never see a fly and a beetogether, because bee’s just think that they are too good with theirstingers and all. So what, they may be smarter than us, but I mustsay…who has a better, more carefree and relaxing life? And who has towork, all day, everyday for some bossy old queen? I think I’d prefer mylife any old day over a bee’s life!When you actually think about, I do have a good life and I’m glad that Idon’t live very long. If I lived any longer I think I’d drive my self tosuicide!
Imagine living longer than 21 days, trying to dodge the hurdleslife throws at you! Impossible! Atleast I’d die young, with no stressbecause I don’t have to do much except for lay maggots on humans food andthen watch them eat it. Hee-hee, I love doing that! I’m only giving themback what they deserve!I may not be the most beautiful creature around, but I’m happy with whatI’ve been giving. I can look at the world by a whole different view.
Nobodyhas more beautiful and unique eyes as me! I’m happy with who I am and whatI am. I’ll just take life as it comes, fly here, fly there. Lay somemaggots here and some over there. Munch on some yummy food and then die,gracefully! Now that’s got to be the best life in the world-The Life of aFly!