Marketing Plan Four Seasons Hotel Sample

Table of Content

Executive Summary

The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts house is dedicated to supplying the best service for its clients within the luxury hotel industry. Much admired. and non easy replicated. the Four Seasons civilization is steadfastly grounded in our people – in who we are. what we believe and how we behave. Our ends. beliefs and rules are described in the Four Seasons corporate mission statement.

Four Seasons is sing on opening a 5-star hotel in the country of Lausanne. Switzerland. Taking into consideration the current market and state of affairs in this country. competition every bit good as external and internal factors we will research the option of come ining this market with a new Four Seasons hotel. A selling and execution scheme is so presented along with the mark sections in this peculiar market. Despite being a leader in the world-wide luxury hotel industry. Four Seasons is a fledgling in the Lausanne country and have merely one other belongings with Switzerland located in Geneva. The proposed Four Seasons Lausanne needs to spread out on Four Seasons image in Switzerland and non take away from the established name of the Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues in Geneva.

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Four Seasons will place itself on the thought that its clients are willing to pay a higher monetary value than what its rivals are presently offering as Four Seasons offers the best service in footings of a big luxury hotel concatenation. Making clients experience at place when they are going is paramount in making the atmosphere Four Seasons has become to be known for over the past 50 old ages. Individualized luxury with ace service that is unrivaled in the Lausanne country will place Four Seasons Lausanne at the top of the market early on. Why wage more and have less? At the Four Seasons you get your money’s worth and so some. and at the Four Seasons Lausanne you are ever at place.

Market and Situation Analysis

Market Size

Lausanne and the environing part make up an country with around 250. 000 dwellers. The central office of Nestle . the largest agro-food company in the universe. are merely 20 kilometres ( 12. 5 stat mis ) off and the company’s research centre is really inside the metropolis bounds. Philip Morris. another nutrient and baccy giant. has its international direction concentrated in Lausanne ( for all operations outside the USA ) . Tetra-Laval. a company of Swedish beginning working in the field of all right chemical science. energy and a leader in the packaging of liquids. besides has its universe central office in the country. The Financial Company Tradition. the 3rd largest agent in the universe for fiscal merchandises besides runs its operations from our metropolis.

Lausanne has grown in recent old ages in respects to international concern and international companies located at that place. Businesss find that Lausanne has the full substructure that they need: concern attorneies. local offices of the largest auditing and consultancy companies ( Ernst & A ; Young. Pricewaterhouse Coopers. etc. ) . The metropolis is besides place to the central office of the five largest commercial Bankss in the state. the BCV ( Banque Cantonale Vaudoise ) that has subordinates abroad and a big insurance company. Vaudoise confidences. The great Swiss Bankss all have big local central office and the concern Bankss of Geneva are merely 60 kilometres ( 37. 5 stat mis ) off.  There is besides a really busy conference centre in Lausanne hosting many events every twelvemonth.

There are legion hotels with a sum of 5. 000 beds covering the whole scope of classs. manners and ambiances in the Lausanne metropolis country. For the intents of this program we will concentrate on the upper category. luxury hotels ( 5 star evaluation ) that are available. Specifically we shall concentrate on the undermentioned three established luxury hotels in the country :

  • Hotel Angleterre & A ; Residence
  • The Lausanne Palace & A ; Spa
  • Beau Rivage Palace LausanneMarket Growth

The part has been the place of birth of companies that have acquired an international stature. Edipresse is one of the largest of Swiss publishing houses. The company owns more than 70 newspapers in assorted European states. In the new engineerings. Kudelski is one of the universe leaders in telecasting decipherers and Logitech dominates the computing machine peripherals market ( mice. webcams. control sticks ) . These companies are little multinationals whose development and fabricating units are dotted all over the universe. but they were created in the Lausanne part. which is still home to their direction and research centres.

As more multinationals come to Lausanne. they bring with them more concern travellers. Between 1999 and 2009 Lausanne itself saw a population addition of 9. 9 % as it has become a popular finish for non merely international visitants but Swiss national as good.  As an educational centre of Switzerland. Lausanne is home to or nearby some of the top European concern schools and so has seen an inflow of professionals with concern backgrounds sing for educational intents. Simultaneously. Lausanne is home to many international tourer attractive forces non limited to the Olympic Museum. Ouchy Waterfront. and Lake Geneva. Market Sections

We can interrupt the luxury hotel market into two major sections. which we will concentrate on for the intents of this program: the executive concern traveller and the upper category leisure traveller. Each of these several sections has really different demands that the luxury hotels attempt to concentrate on and cater to.

Looking at the executive concern traveller foremost we see that they usually come from an international background and they tend to work for big transnational companies. The mean age will be given to be around 45 but will be in a scope of 25-65 old ages old with the an executive degree in respects to place within their several company. This group of people is normally under important clip restraints and requires high-end concern installations made readily available during their stay at a hotel.

Traveling on to the upper category leisure travelers we see that they every bit good be given to come from an international background with an mean age of 45 upwards as this demographic will most probably be older twosomes going with kids or entirely. They tend to populate a high quality life style and demand the finest in footings of service and personal gustatory sensation. This group is looking for organized leisure activities including supervised activities for their kids every bit good as featuring activities such as golf and rubber-necking services. With a high demand of service. this section will look for individualized and alone services to break their stay at a luxury hotel. Current Offerings & A ; Competition Analysis

As aforementioned we will concentrate on these current offerings with the Lausanne market:

  • Hotel Angleterre & A ; Residence
  • The Lausanne Palace & A ; Spa
  • Beau Rivage Palace Lausanne

Hotel Angleterre & A ; Residence was built in 1789 and remodeled late in 2002 and contains 75 suites for its invitees.  The hotel is located on the shores of Lake Geneva and offers with its big H2O forepart patio a antic position on the Geneva Lake and the Gallic Alps. The six alone edifices are disposing 75 wholly renovated suites with lake or park-view and the latest concern installations. Furthermore. this hotel is a suited locale for meetings and conventions offering three meeting suites with a capacity from 8 to 60 people. All suites and meeting suites are air-conditioned and have wireless Internet entree. The hotel besides has a popular cellar saloon and offers activities such as casino gambling. tennis tribunals. ramble oning plans. ice-skating and is nearby some of the most popular tourer finishs in Lausanne. The mean cost of a night’s stay in a room at the Hotel Angleterre is approximately 350 CHF ( Swiss Francs ) per individual per dark.

The Lausanne Palace & A ; Spa was built in 1915 and was besides remodeled in 2002 and has 119 suites available. Lausanne Palace is an establishment. a meeting topographic point for the citizens of Lausanne every bit good as for international high society. Since 1980. the Presidents of the International Olympic Committee have systematically taken up abode at that place. Over the last 15 old ages. about 60 million Swiss Francs have been invested in the assorted betterments and redevelopments. including hi-tech conference centres and concern installations. new bars and eating houses. the creative activity of a watering place and a big subterraneous parking batch.

The Lausanne Palace offers a broad assortment of activities for its visitants including but non limited to golfing. tennis. hike. horseback siting. biking and once more is located near some of the most of import cultural sites the metropolis has to offer. A night’s stay in the Lausanne Palace will be between 440 and 4. 500 CHF depending on which manner of room or suite is chosen.

Finally. the Beau Rivage Palace Lausanne was built in 1861 and most late remodeled in 2009 and offers over 165 suites for its visitants to take from.  The Beau Rivage is besides located on the Lake of Geneva and near the Olympic Museum and International Olympic Headquarters in Lausanne. With many of the highest rated eating houses and bars in the country the Beau Rivage provides ace service with a alone sense of history. The hotel offers high quality concern installations including over 10 conference suites every bit good as a battalion of leisure activities such as golf. tennis. watering place services. and boating to call a few. Room monetary values start at 660 CHF upwards and the hotel offers legion bundles which bundle different activities or sightseeing jaunts together.

In general. these three hotels are extremely regarded throughout the countries as the best available and by and large receive positive reappraisals from visitants. both concern and leisure. Obviously lifting and already high costs of remaining in such a hotel is ever a concern but once more the type of clients who stay in or utilize these hotels’ installations have the agencies to afford this monetary value for luxury. All three hotels have established names and histories in the Lausanne country and will be hard to replace as market leaders as they are so popular and good known.

External Environment Analysis – Macroenvironment

Political Factors

In sing the microenvironment we must take into consideration the PESTLE theoretical account and its possible affects on the Four Seasons Lausanne. Switzerland remains one of the most stable political environments worldwide. High degrees of security and unfastened boundary lines within the European Union let for the free motion of people into Switzerland. In respects to transit substructure Switzerland provides one of. if non the best. rail systems in Europe and the universe along with multiple expresswaies that lead into and out of Lausanne. Besides. the Lausanne train station straight serves travelers traveling to or coming from big metropoliss as Paris. Geneva. Zurich. and Bern to call a few. Lausanne besides is merely 30 proceedingss going distance off from Geneva International Airport. The current revenue enhancement Torahs of Switzerland and the part in which Lausanne is located make it an attractive location for international concerns.

Economic Factors

The Swiss economic system is highly stable and has been able to last the planetary economic crisis with comparative easiness in comparing to its European neighbours. Swiss currency and exchange rates have stayed stable despite the fluctuations in the US Dollar and Euro severally. As aforesaid. Switzerland provides a revenue enhancement Eden for many foreign endeavors and allows for these houses to gain from the favourable revenue enhancement construction in topographic point.

In general the current planetary economic crisis has put force per unit area on many industries in respects to enlargement yet the travel and cordial reception industry is get downing to turn around. International tourer reachings grew by 4 % between January and August 2012 compared to the same period of 2011 harmonizing to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer. The resiliency of international touristry in a go oning unsure economic system is farther confirmed by the positive information on touristry net incomes and outgo.

Social Factors

Within Switzerland. and globally. the population is aging and as a consequence the mean age of a concern traveler has increased. Many international companies are even engaging older executives in order to tap into this turning employment pool. [ 10 ] This older executive crowd will prefer hotels such as the Four Seasons as they may already hold experience with the trade name every bit good as the fact that they have the agencies to afford this type of upscale hotel.

Technology Factors

Technological promotion is go oning at a break-neck gait and due to this the demand for high-end concern installations and high-velocity cyberspace services are demanding that the hotel industry respond and supply the best engineering possible for its clients. Many visitants put great weight on technological factors in finding which hotel they choose for their stay. in peculiar the executive concern travellers who are more and more likely to necessitate a nomadic workspace with changeless cyberspace and telephone connectivity. More travellers are booking hotels through the Internet every bit good as opposed to the outdated travel agents of the past. Four Seasons already has a state-of-the-art web site in comparing to others within the cordial reception industry and have a clear advantage in this respect.

Environment Factors

As jobs associated with planetary heating and clime alteration continue to force themselves toward to the top of the planetary docket watchfulness in respects to environment would be paramount. Particularly in Switzerland. which remains a planetary leader in recycling attempts and remaining ‘’green’’ everything refering to building and care would hold to be kept every bit sustainable as possible merely to avoid force per unit area from local and national governments and any possible negative reappraisals due pollution or waste on the firm’s portion.

Taking Switzerland’s clime into consideration at that place will hold to be activities and installations in the Four Seasons to account for Switzerland’s existent four seasons. Everything from sub-freezing snowy temperatures to sunny warm yearss can be expected throughout the twelvemonth and the hotel will hold to suit its invitees with cardinal warming and air conditioning systems. Air conditioning is non commonplace in Switzerland. or Europe for that affair. but as Four Seasons will be suiting international travellers it will be required.

Legal Factors

Employees in Switzerland earn significantly higher rewards compared to rest of the cordial reception industry. As the cost of life is higher this is need in order to adequately counterbalance the employees for their work. The working environment favours the employees as opposed to the employer as unemployment and societal plans function significantly in favour of an employee Lashkar-e-Taiba travel by a house or even an employee fall ining a house. Operating costs for a house are much higher in Switzerland as opposed to other states. Conversely. higher service rates can be charged and this can and hopefully will equilibrate out the high operating and overhead costs.

Internal Environment Analysis – Microenvironment

The Company

Four Seasons has chosen to specialise within the cordial reception industry by offering lone experiences of exceeding quality. The aim is to be recognized as the company that manages the finest hotels. resorts and abode nines wherever Four Seasons is located. Properties of digesting value. utilizing superior design and coatings. with support of exceeding personal service have put the hotel concatenation at the head of the industry. Making so allows Four Seasons to fulfill the demands and gustatory sensations of their discriminating clients. and to keep the place as the world’s prime luxury cordial reception company.

Four Season’s greatest plus. and the key to success. is the hotel’s employees. Satisfying invitees depends on the united attempts of many and Four Season’s success has been achieved through the complete execution of this dedication to personalise client service. These beliefs are demonstrated most meaningfully in the manner Four Seasons treats its invitees. clients. and concern spouses. Four Seasons ranks in the top 100 companies to work for harmonizing to CNN Money.  Four Seasons is besides forcing planetary enlargement and A new construction for the Toronto-based brand’s direction squad allows the company to be more focussed on invention. as engineering and societal media are more of import than of all time.


Four Seasons provides some of the best merchandises and services available including but non limited to high-count thread sheets and mattresses so comfy that clients on a regular basis take them place after their stay. This dedication to excellence will hold to be continued in order to maintain up with the refined gustatory sensations of its visitants.

Selling Mediators

Four Seasons has one of. if non the best. web site within the cordial reception industry. A extremely customizable and synergistic web site it exemplifies Four Seasons dedication to personalise service as even during this portion of traveler’s journey Four Seasons effort to talk straight to the demands of the client. Based on information provided by a client and information gathered from old corsets. Four Seasons provides customized bundles to each visitant when they book through the web site.


As aforementioned. Four Seasons operates in the upscale luxury hotel industry and as such competes straight with a assortment of interior decorator and 5+ star hotels. For more information sing this peculiar state of affairs refer to the current offerings mentioned in the Market and Situation Analysis before in this papers. Populaces

Media populaces include newspapers and magazines that can print articles of involvement sing the company and columns that may act upon customers’ sentiments. Government populaces can impact the company by go throughing statute law and Torahs that put limitations on the company’s actions. Citizen-action populaces include environmental groups and minority groups and can oppugn the actions of a company and set them in the public limelight. Local populaces organisations and will besides oppugn a company’s impact on the local country and the degree of duty of their actions.

The general populace can greatly impact the company as any alteration in their attitude. whether positive or negative. can do gross revenues to travel up or down because the general populace is frequently the company’s client base. Finally. those who are employed within the company and trade with the organisation and building of the company’s merchandise can hold an obvious positive or negative affect on Four Season’s image.


Four Seasons clients include concern travelers. leisure travelers. and event orienteered travellers. These clients demand high service and are willing to pay for it as they have the agencies to make so. For more information pertaining to the clients within the kingdom of the Four Seasons microenvironment refer to the market sections located in the Market Strategy subdivision.

Five Forces Analysis

Presently the hotel industry is traveling through an upswing despite the general planetary economic slump of recent old ages. Employment rates remain steady and in some instances they are even lifting. With this comes an aging work force with disposable income. In general the power of purchasers is increasing and the cost of exchanging from one hotel to another is minuscule when we take into consideration that we are in the upscale. luxury hotel market as these clients can afford a alteration. Fortunately the menace of new entry is low as there are few houses within the hotel industry that could even see this type of move into the Lausanne market and Four Seasons is the fledgling in this respect.

The menace of permutation is low every bit good as the clients in this market are non looking for an option to the luxury hotel option and will non settle for a lower class hotel option. Power of providers is besides low. as this does non impact this peculiar market in any important manner at this occasion. The external force that is most relevant for the proposed Four Seasons Lausanne is competitory competition as there are already a few established participants in this market and Four Seasons will hold to set forth a batch of attempt in order to set up a bridgehead in the Lausanne market. To this point there is besides a high cost to go forthing the market as edifice this type of hotel is non an cheap venture and it carries some noteworthy hazard in this respect.

Four Seasons does hold an internationally recognized trade name. which merely has non made that great of an imprint in the Swiss market up until now. They will non be coming in every bit wholly new due to the presence of the Four Seasons Hotel in Geneva. To this point. utmost focal point demands to be put upon set uping an advertisement run along the lines of ‘‘Four Seasons is coming to Lausanne’’ to give people in the market a connexion to globally recognized trade name that is Four Seasons.

To this extent a partnership with the air hose Swiss would be good as it will box the international Four Seasons trade name with the regional Swiss trade name name and at the same clip give travelers from both mark segments more inaugural to remain at the Four Seasons Lausanne and travel with Swiss salvaging them clip and perchance money. Implementing these two specific enterprises will assist the Four Seasons Lausanne avoid merely catching up to where its rivals presently are and set immediate force per unit area on them alternatively.

Selling Scheme Concept

Since it opened it’s first hotel in Toronto in 1961. Four Season Resorts & A ; Hotels has continually transformed the cordial reception industry by uniting friendliness and efficiency with the finest traditions of international hotel maintaining. In the procedure. Four Seasons has redefined luxury for the modern traveler.  In order to vie with the bing offerings in the Lausanne market. Four Seasons will hold to go on this tradition of luxury hotels. As this market tends to be on the expensive side of the cost spectrum Four Seasons will hold a broad scope available when it comes to pricing. What is to be considered though is that a cut-cost attack may set the Four Seasons into a lower degree in footings of category when compared to the bing offerings. The key is to try to be low-cost but in making so non give the perceptual experience of luxury.

Four Seasons already owns and operates a hotel in Geneva. the Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues. Remodeled in 2005. the Four Seasons is still the first pick of universe solons and planetary travelers as it blends a revitalised sense of history with the necessities of today’s plasma-screen. broadband universe.  Constructing on this successful hotel. the Four Seasons Lausanne should offer a similar construct to maintain in line with the traditions already set in Switzerland. As in Geneva. Four Seasons Lausanne needs to offer its visitants a broad assortment of featuring and leisure activities but more significantly offer supervised children’s activities. as this is what the current offerings in Lausanne do non adequately supply if at all.

In respects to concern installations. the Lausanne location must larn from the trips of Geneva  and supply cyberspace services at a more low-cost monetary value and must see the possibility of offering free cyberspace services. at least non-WIFI cyberspace services. as this has grown to go a determinant factor in many people’s determination to remain at a peculiar hotel. Four Seasons Lausanne needs to make the most concern friendly atmosphere alongside it’s leisure activities to vie with the bing offerings in the Lausanne country. Superior. personalized client service. which has become the focal point of Four Seasons hotels and resorts worldwide. will be paramount as the monetary value for a an upscale. luxury hotel room demands this clip of attending to item and will maintain clients coming back clip and clip once more.

Target Sections

Executive Business TravelersGeographic: InternationalDemographic: Age 25-65. mean age 45 ; executive degree ( concern ) Psychographic: Technology adept. extremely motivated ; face clip restraints Behavioral: Need for high-end concern installations ; work/life balance ( nomadic office )

Upper-class Leisure TravelersGeographic: InternationalDemographic: Age 45+ ; household size 1-4 ( married. married with kids ) Psychographic: Upper category life style ; household oriented ; high respect for service Behavioral: Enjoy leisure activates ( athleticss ) and household activities for their kids Offerings and Differentiation

Executive Business TravelersMerchandise: exceeding concern installations. reward plan. cosy and comfy environment. packaged trades with Swiss air hose Peoples: quick and efficient service ( top qualified and trained employees ) Service: flexible and clip salvaging

Channel: concern entree web site. contracts with multinationals Image: lacrimation hole ( concern & A ; societal environment ) . tradition ( established name )

Upper-class Leisure TravelersMerchandise: individualized posh experience. bundle and leisure activities. “buyable” branded merchandises ( bed. bathrobe. soap ) Peoples: high personalized service ( top qualified and trained employees ) Service: concierge. extended athletics services ( golf places fix. tennis racket strings ) Channel: sophisticated web site. direct calls and e-mails Image: high category with personal touch service is expected Positioning

‘‘To executive concern and upper-class leisure travellers the Four Seasons is non merely a topographic point to pass the dark but a topographic point where one can truly experience at place. High quality and luxury with complete and individualized service that caters to each and every demand of our valued visitants. ’’

Marketing Mix and Implementation

Pricing Scheme

Four Seasons has a dedication to supplying the best service possible:personalized service with every small nicety that we can pick up from the client through attending to detail expressed from before the stay begins to after it ends. Four Seasons Lausanne will run in the luxury. upper-class hotel market and can therefore afford to bear down higher monetary values than its direct rivals. as visitants will have a notably better service experience at the Four Seasons. The mark sections in this market have disposable income and can afford to pay excess if it means they will acquire the best hotel experience available. Puting the monetary value per room per dark higher will drive place the assurance that Four Seasons has in its client service. as they do non necessitate to conceal behind cut monetary values. Merchandise Scheme

The merchandise that Four Seasons offers is a individualized hotel experience where each client is treated to his or her personal outlook of luxury. As mentioned in the placement statement antecedently. Four Seasons wants to make a hotel where its visitants feel at place despite the fact that they are going. To this extent. Four Seasons Lausanne will offer branded merchandises such as mattresses. pillows. shampoo. etc. so that its clients don’t have to lose the luxury that is the Four Seasons up go outing its doors. This manner they will be invariably reminded of what they can see when going for concern of leisure in the Lausanne country.

Topographic point Strategy

Four Seasons clients will be able to reserve a stay at the hotel through the undermentioned channelso Four Seasons websiteO At the hotel ( concierge services )O Through traditional travel bureaus or corporate contractsO Via the Swiss Airlines web site ( preferable spouse air hose ) Many of Four Seasons concern travelers will be booking flights anyhow and therefore the option to book a room through a preferable spouse air hose like Swiss. Four Seasons besides can utilize its web site to personally orient holiday bundles to its upper-class leisure invitees.

Promotion Strategy

As antecedently mentioned in the SWOT and Five Forces Analysis. Four Seasons must see a strong initial advertisement run in and around Lausanne to put their established name in treatments of the luxury hotel industry. Peoples will acknowledge the Four Seasons name and they benefit from holding the Four Seasons Hotel in Geneva. Besides mentioned is the partnership with a preferable spouse air hose such as Swiss. which could assist co-market the advertisement activities or even co-brand certain holiday bundles. Partnering with a local air hose such as Swiss will give Four Seasons instant credibleness in and about Lausanne every bit good as farther mercantile establishments to force the initial offering. Another option would be to put up preferable contracts with the American transnational houses in the Lausanne country as these companies would be more likely to spouse with a North American house such as Four Seasons.

Peoples Strategy

Four Seasons top-rate service does non merely come out of nowhere. but is implemented across the board through its extremely trained and dedicated staff. An executive at Four Seasons one time said they did non hold a client service section. as this was every employee’s duty.  From retrieving names. faces. and personal wonts it must be every employee’s occupation to do Four Seasons the best possible luxury hotel see their clients can purchase. As Switzerland tends to be on the upper terminal of the pay spectrum it should non be hard to happen people willing to give their clip to this manner of believing for a good wage. Switzerland besides has some of the top rated cordial reception and gastronomy schools in Europe  and this could be the starting point for enrolling new. immature. and motivated endowment.

Procedure Scheme

To maintain this scheme simple. it would be best pattern for Four Seasons Lausanne to merely follow the bing procedures in topographic point at the Four Seasons Geneva as they have set the criterion up to this point for Four Seasons in the Swiss market. Obviously these procedures will hold to be revaluated on a continual footing in order to better the customer’s overall experience. Four Seasons has built a repute of supplying the best service possible all around the Earth and this shouldn’t terminal in Lausanne. Physical Evidence

A squad will necessitate to be established to supervise the profitableness and operating processs sing the preferable partnership with transnational houses in the Lausanne country every bit good as the partnership with Swiss air hoses. These partnerships can non take away from Four Seasons perceived value and the execution squad will necessitate to work closely with the aforesaid partnership squad as to guarantee none of the Four Seasons trade name is lost or tainted upon market entry.


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