One Dream Vacation to Relax and to Explore

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I believe all of us has that one dream vacation to relax and to explore whether it’s just a weekend getaway or a short summer break. I have always wanted to go for a vacation for a very long time to escape from the stressful busy life. A dream vacation would be my husband by my side driving a Mercedes-Benz car to the extravagant streets of Paris with my 2 -year old son buckled up at the back seat who would usually tell me just about anything he could imagine. Entering the city was like unlocking many levels of a jewelry box. There were apartments and tall industrial buildings and people walking on the charming pathways.

Paris is one of my bucket list because I’ve been hearing lots of good things about it since I was a kid. It is a big country with many attractions. Although, it’s very far from the USA but I’m eager to travel distant places such as this to see such beauty and create a breath-taking experience with my family.

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It’s such a beauty to climb up the Eifell tower overlooking the beautiful scenery of the sun, its rays glimmering in the darkness of the clouds fading slowly and its glow illuminating across the waters. Here we will enjoy the beautiful sight of the entire city while waiting for the moon to show up like a silver bullet and its pale light brightening the dark sky. When the night falls, we can see the city view as if it twinkles with flashing lights every hour.

They said Paris is better explored by foot. We will walk along the famous bridges in morning and just relax and breathe in the history and culture of this beautiful city. We will take a boat ride after to take us up and back past all these bridges. We will then leisurely go to any of the wonderful museums and be astonished at the artwork and sculptures and wonder how we managed to acquire such beautiful history and how we manage to preserve all of it.

But the happiest part of my day is eating together with my family in a nice bistro or a cafe as we sit outside the patio while greeting Parisians who are watching us leisurely eating. The atmosphere is cool, the restaurant is well-decorated and tables are close to each other. A perfect setting to indulge in the delicious, fresh, vibrant food and spend the evening on an after-dinner red wine. I can’t wait for this dream vacation to become a reality!

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One Dream Vacation to Relax and to Explore. (2021, Mar 08). Retrieved from

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