What Are the Differences Between Living in a Big City and in the Countryside?

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There are many more people living in the city than living in the country. In this essay, it will be shown that living in the city is better than living in country. It will be discussed about the differences between living in city and living in country in terms of work, transport, convenience, markets. Firstly, working in city is better than working in country. It seems that people living in city work safer and hander than people living in country. In city people work inside the companies or factories and with machines, so they do not have to endure the changeable weather.

On the other hands, in country people working outside farm are harder than people working in the companies or factories. Moreover, the job markets in the country are smaller than the job markets in the city. In the city there are many companies and factories. In contrast, in the country there are only a few small companies and the farms. In brief, working in city is better than work in country. Secondly, the transport system in city is better than the transport system in the country.

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There are many kind of public transport such as train, tram, bus, taxi in the city and there are many streets. On the other hands, in the country do not have many streets and public transport is less than the public transport in the city. In short, the transport system in city is better than the transport system in the country. Thirdly, the convenience in the city is better than the convenience in the country. It is easy to make more friends because people living in city are more friendly and happier with their friends.

On the other hands, in the country people are less open minded to make friends with strange people. Moreover, the convenience of the health in the city is better than in the country. In city there are many hospitals. In comparison, in the country there are only a few hospitals, because there are fewer people living in country. Thus, living in the city is more convenient than living in the country. Finally, the market in city is better than the market in country. People have more opportunity to improve their income when they live in city.

There are many big companies and it is easy to do business and earn money. Therefore, many people can take advantages from external investigation. It is easier to solve the unemployment problem and get more suitable job to different people with different skills. Moreover, commercial market in the city is always open to welcome more investigation as long as there is a potential opportunity of a certain industry. In brief, the market in city is better than the market in country. If people want to get better life quality by earning more money, they should live in developing cities.

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What Are the Differences Between Living in a Big City and in the Countryside?. (2017, Feb 17). Retrieved from


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