An Analysis of the Coincidences and Irony in The Monkey’s Paw

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The skillful movement of the plot is crucial for the success of any short story. Unlike a novel, the writer may not have enough time to fully develop ideas, but all the essential elements must still be present.

The Monkeys Paw is characterized by its reliance on coincidence and irony, which effectively connects the plot and adds to the suspense.

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Examples of this include the coincidence of the monkey’s paw being in the possession of Sergeant Morris. Mrs White mentions the story of the monkey’s paw, which was once told by the Sergeant himself, and coincidentally, he has the paw in his possession. The fact that the paw displays movement and seems to come to life as wishes are made implies potential calamity. For instance, when a wish is made, the piano crashes, a man cries out, and the paw moves.

The paw serves as a clear and ominous sign. It is evidence that the original owner had a desire for death, suggesting that the previous two wishes may have resulted in unhappiness. Additionally, Sergeant Morris states, “I warn you of the consequences,” indicating that he knows the innocent nature of a wish will ultimately lead to a negative outcome. He absolves himself of any blame for the ensuing events.

The main coincidence revolves around the two hundred pounds. Mrs. White sarcastically questions how that amount could harm someone, but she will soon discover the answer. The story has two significant climactic moments: first, the acquisition of the two hundred pounds (and the horrifying nature of Herbert’s death), and second, the suspense surrounding the mysterious knocking at the door.

Herbert the son is ironically tragic in his own words and experiences. (a) He mentions the mummy, saying “Before I come back.” However, he never returns. (b) His mother hopes for his return, stating “When he comes home.” But he never does. (c) Even Herbert himself predicts, “I don’t see the money, and I bet I never shall.” And in the end, does he see it?

Here are some quotes exemplifying major irony: he desired to demonstrate to individuals that destiny controlled their lives, and those who tampered with it did so at their own peril. It implies that when one begins to tamper with the paw, it leads to death. It appears to me that I possess everything I could desire. And: Do not access the funds before my return. These two quotes reveal how Herbert is dangerously tempting fate.

In “The Monkey’s Paw,” coincidence plays a significant role in both the climax and the overall horror of the story, as well as in smaller ways to gradually build up the tension of the plot. Additionally, irony also contributes to the tension and is used to create a similar effect as coincidence, as events gain retrospective significance. Considering these two factors, it can be concluded that the writer effectively builds up tension in “The Monkey’s Paw.”

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An Analysis of the Coincidences and Irony in The Monkey’s Paw. (2022, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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