Can Distance Learning Replace Traditional Learning

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Distance learning is simply learning from home (Hurlbut, 2018). A student be able to learn without physically attending an actual classroom. The distance learning idea can be viewed from the 18th century where a short hand educator made an advertisement in the Boston Gazette seeking students who preferred to learn by having lessons mailed to them weekly. The first distance learning course was however given by Sir Isaac Pitman later in the 19th century. Over the years, the concept gained popularity seeing many students preferring to learn through this method as opposed to the traditional mode of education. This popularity led to an increased number of teaching institutions adopting the methodology (Clifton, 2017). In this modern age of technology, distance learning has been made easier since it is facilitated by internet technology (Baruah, 2018). Due to an increased use of computers and internet distance learning has been made easier and convenient. However, distance learning is more popular only in developed countries like, USA, Europe, and china. On the other hand, in developing countries, distance learning is not as popular as it is in developed countries. Therefore, different world organizations, government of almost every country should have to be responsible to make distance learning accessible for every individual to ger ride illiteracy as well as poverty.

The term traditional form of education, used to describe customary form of education that requires the student to physically attend his classes (Illeris, 2018). This form of education required the student to attend an oral recitation to gain knowledge. Traditionally students were to be tested orally after receiving the oral recital from an educator (Khalaf & Zin, 2018). This meant that students were required to physically attend these oral recitations.

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Today the use of traditional forms of education is still the most used form of education (Hurlbut, 2018). Even though teaching cultures vary all over the world, the main principle of traditional learning prevails and that is the actual learning is done in a classroom. Therefore, as much as distance learning has gained popularity over the years, it would still be difficult for modern form of education to replace the traditional form of education due to lack of technological advancements mainly in developing countries. This research paper fall on question of fact persuasive claim.

According to World web foundation, over 2 billion world population live in countries where internet is not affordable. Lack of technological advancement would hinder distance learning from revolutionizing the learning process. This would have to be generally because for one to enjoy the perks of distance learning one would be required to have access to a good internet connection as well have a computer device (Latchem, 2018). As much as this would not be a problem for first world countries, gaining access to an internet connection may not be an easy of a task for people in undeveloped countries. Across developing countries, with its vast diverse learning cultures the use of classroom remains popular. A great majority of the global populations has at least once attended a classroom in their entire lifetime. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said when it comes to the access of a computer.

The main reason as to why the globe suffers from lack technological advancements is because of the differences in the various economies. Different countries have different economies while others might have a strong economy there are those who come from countries with weaker ones. Across the globe there are couples of countries with struggling economies. In such countries distance learning may not be an effective method of learning.

Many countries are unable to develop their technological infrastructure to fit modern day standards. This is mainly because most of the technology infrastructure is expensive to acquire. Countries in undeveloped economies are faced with far worse challenges that technological advancements do not come by as a top priority for these countries.

This in the long run is a huddle in the path of the road of the distance learning.

There is also the issue of technology literacy. This is the capability of a person, working autonomously and with other individuals, to responsibly, effectively, and appropriately utilize technology apparatus to integrate, access, study, develop, communicate, and manage information. A vast majority of individuals around the globe do not understand how a basic computer works and this may hinder distance learning for students.

To see that there is an even and widespread growth all around globe the global community ought to come together in an attempt to promote economic equality (Simons, Beaumont, & Holland, 2018). The adoption of global policies would see a standard and affordable cost of technology and its infrastructure set all around the globe. Due to the increased usage of the internet it would benefit a vast majority of the people if access to an internet connection would be prioritized (Bowen, 2018). This would see a huge decrease in the digital divide giving more people access to more and more information. Making distance learning accessible would help not only developing countries but also first would countries because the more developing countries becoming more literate the more, they try to get ride of poverty and first world countries will not spend lots of money to donate food for hanger people. However, developed countries should still help to access distance learning in developing countries.

Once the digital divide has been breached the adoption of the modern methods of learning in the form of E learning may be able to overtake the use of classroom learning as a learning methodology. With the equal distribution of resources around the globe accessibility to technology and its infrastructure should be a thing of the past. This would see an incremental growth on technology and its users (Simons, Beaumont, & Holland, 2018). A higher reach will mean more and more people embrace the digital age. This will in turn see the increase of students choosing the modern forms of learning over the old school more customary forms of learning. Until then the traditional use of classrooms shall continue with its dominance in the education sector.

As members of the global community it is the people’s duty to see that education is generally available to learners across the globe (Bowen, 2018). The access to information is a major factor in this modern age. To give children a level playing field and ensure that their futures are secured should be amongst the leading international target (Simons, Beaumont, & Holland, 2018). Empower a child to save a life. Lastly, even though classroom learning is more popular compared to the new distance learning programs this does not mean that they are not flawed. Some of the under developed countries still have students who cannot have access to a classroom. Governments should work to ensure all students across the world have access to learning institutions because they are the backbone of tomorrow.

In as much as distance learning has gained popularity over the years, it would still be difficult for modern form of education to replace the traditional form of education due to lack of technological advancements in some parts of the globe. This is because currently, traditional forms of education are still the most used form of education. Most of the learners in the globe physical attend classes and are evaluated using standard tests. Even though the discussion is that classroom learning is irreplaceable by distance learning, this does not exactly mean that distance learning is not a suitable method of learning. It is most convenient form of learning and teaching processes because a home stay mother is able to attend class while she is take caring of her family, a person who live far from the physical school is able to attend class without driving miles away from his home, and the school will not be affected because of weather change you can still attend the class. It cannot go without saying that it has opened up learning to a wide range of people globally, placing it as one of the most sort form of learning out there and would hope to see a future where students can comfortably access distance learning resources regardless of where they are situated.


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  2. Bowen, H. (2018). Investment in learning: The individual and social value of American higher education. Routledge.
  3. Clifton, G. (2017). An Evaluation of the Impact of “Learning Design” on the Distance Learning and Teaching Experience. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(5).
  4. Hurlbut, A. R. (2018). Online vs. traditional learning in teacher education: a comparison of student progress. American Journal of Distance Education, 32(4), 248-266.
  5. Illeris, K. (2018). A comprehensive understanding of human learning. In Contemporary Theories of Learning (pp. 1-14). Routledge.
  6. Khalaf, B. K., & Zin, Z. B. M. (2018). Traditional and Inquiry-Based Learning Pedagogy: A Systematic Critical Review. Interna
  7. Latchem, C. (2018). Open and Distance Non-formal Education. In Open and Distance Non-formal Education in Developing Countries (pp. 11-17). Springer, Singapore.
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  9. report/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqeumq8Xz3gIVBECGCh1dnQhlEAAYASAAEgKNs_D_BwE

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