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Essay Examples
The American Academy of Pediatrics
Corporal punishment
Is corporal punishment My general purpose is to persuade my audience My specific purpose is to inform my audience on that corporal punishment is not a healthy way of educating kids. My central idea Is that corporal punishment is not an effective way to In force rules or educate kids properly. Introduction I. Good morning…
History Of American Airlines
American Airlines and its regional partner American Eagle are a thriving corporation in the air transportation industry. They serve almost 250 cities globally, operating more than 3600 daily flights. The company’s objective is to deliver secure, dependable, and amicable air transportation services and associated offerings, with the aim of ensuring every experience is favorable. Given…
Age of Consent in the United States
Age of Consent My position on the age of consent is that I’m for it. I believe that the age of consent should be and always be age of 16, because once have turned 16 you should be mature enough to make your own decision on who you want to have sex with because you…
American Born Chinese
American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang tells the stories of three characters who all desire to escape their current situations and assimilate into new ones. Yang effectively conveys important messages that are relevant to the experiences of young American born Chinese individuals throughout history. The characters in the book face discrimination, struggle with their…
Bill Clinton and Trust of Americans
Hillary Clinton
Lack of trust is a reoccurring theme through out the three cases. One might ask, why you need trust in any civil society? Lack of trust in a civil society has the society with no real stability. Trust in authority is lacking in each case. The approval rating for Bill Clinton is high. Does this…
American Medical Association
Alcoholism is a disease that is chronic and potentially fatal. It is characterized by dependence and addiction to alcohol. The American Medical Association (AMA) officially classified alcoholism as a disease in 1966. However, society still tends to judge it morally, as stated by Father Martin. Different types of alcoholics include the daily drinker, who relies…
What it Means to be an American
In my perspective, being American entails experiencing privileges, rights, and freedom. Despite not being flawless, America sets itself apart as one of the few nations that grant rights to individuals from various backgrounds and genders. Although facing widespread poverty, the American people have been given opportunities due to the sacrifices made by those who fought…
Growing Up Asian in America
Obama made history by becoming the first African-American president. Although, I think becoming president shouldn’t be based on our ethnic background, but I think it should be based on how they will change the economy. It shouldn’t depend on whether you are a different race or nationality, as long as you have the determination and…
The Native American Trickster Tales: a Different Kind of Hoax
Native American
Trickster Tales may be humorous because of all the chaos the Trickster causes, but the Trickster helps cultures in many ways. These tales entertain as well as teach valuable life lessons to the reader or listener. Trickster Tales are very diverse, and the Trickster character changes, depending on the region the tale comes from. One…
Chinese American Labor on the Transcontinental Railroad
How vital were the Chinese laborers in opening up the West for America through the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad? Elizabeth Chen 8290673 Word Count: 1887 How vital were the Chinese laborers in opening up the West for America through the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad? A. Plan of Investigation This investigation evaluates the importance…