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Charles Dickens

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Essay Examples


The Contrasting Evil and Kindness of Magwitch in Great Expectations

Charles Dickens

Words: 1662 (7 pages)

In Charles Dickens acclaimed classic ‘Great Expectations’ the character of Magwitch portrays a sense of evil and kindness towards a blacksmiths son Pip formally known as Philip Pirrip. The novel helps to incorporate the conditions experienced by many people in the nineteenth century. These conditions were especially harsh on criminals, punishments were a major factor…

Charles Dickens: Great Expectations Coursework

Charles Dickens

Great Expectations

Words: 2541 (11 pages)

Writers in general shape or influence a reader’s response to their characters by using many clever techniques. The writer does this so he gets a certain response and opinion on each character. They can influence and shape the reader’s views by using techniques like rhetorical questions, alliteration, show and not tell, descriptive writing, choice of…

The Rake Figures of Sense and Sensibility and The Hard Times

Charles Dickens

Words: 1350 (6 pages)

The function of the ‘Rake Figures’ in: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen and The Hard Times by Charles Dickens Primarily the character of rake is defined and recognized for his/her sexual desire and the specific mannerism that he/she adopts to depict this nature of his/her character and they are generally men especially in the…

Quotes for by “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Words: 1600 (7 pages)

‘Great Expectations’ is a book about the story of a boy going from being a young working class child, to becoming a gentleman. The story is set in the 19th century when there was a huge gap between rich and poor in society.Pip is a poor working class boy, taken in by his mothers sister…

“Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Words: 1338 (6 pages)

Dickens’ provides the reader with scathing insight into the social standard of this time/era. How successful is Dickens in portraying the injustices of social class?” In England the social fences, if left alone, grow like wild hedges.” -D.W. BroganThe class system in England began with the introduction of feudalism which followed the Norman Conquest of…

Diction and Imagery in “Dombey and Son” Analysis

Charles Dickens



Words: 362 (2 pages)

In the work, Dombey and Son written by Charles Dickens, the author uses great diction and imagery to convey Dombey’s personality, how he views himself in society, and as a person. Dombey, “a rather bald, rather red, and though a handsome well-made man, too stern and pompous in appearance, to be prepossessing,” as described by…

Charles Dickens “Great Expectations” Coursework

Charles Dickens

Great Expectations

Words: 1696 (7 pages)

In my essay my essay I am going to be exploring what techniques Charles Dickens uses to create characters and themes raised through them. The three main characters I will be focussing on in my essay will be: Pip, Miss’s Havisham and Estella. I will be exploring how these three characters are used my Dickens…

Charles Dickens Views on America

Charles Dickens

uncle tom's cabin

Words: 3319 (14 pages)

Views on America: Charles Dickens America in the 1800s was often understood by many countries in Europe to be a land that had finally managed to free itself of the various wrongs of the old world and institute a new era in which men were born free and died free, where all disputes were settled…

“Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens with “The Runaway” by Robert Frost Analysis

Charles Dickens

Robert Frost Poetry

Words: 2206 (9 pages)

The purpose of this essay is to compare “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens and “The Runaway” by Robert Frost, with a specific focus on the theme of fear. “Great Expectations” was initially published as a magazine article in 1861 before being developed into a novel. In contrast, “The Runaway” is an American poem written in…

How Does Charles Dickens Hook the Reader into Reading Great Expectations?

Charles Dickens

Words: 3683 (15 pages)

In Dickens ‘Great Expectations’, he obtains the reader’s attention and gains their interest in the first paragraph to make them want to read on. Dickens introduces the protagonist ‘Pip’ to ‘hook’ the reader and make them ask questions. The reader wants to know about the protagonist and his life. They will ask themselves questions such…

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1 2 8
born February 7, 1812, Landport, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
died June 9, 1870, Gads Hill Place, United Kingdom
description Charles John Huffam Dickens FRSA was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.
books A Tale of the Riots of 'eighty, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Bleak House,
children Francis Dickens, Henry Fielding Dickens, Alfred D'Orsay Tennyson Dickens, Kate Perugini
movies A Christmas Carol, Oliver!, Oliver Twist, Scrooge

“A day wasted on others is not wasted on one’s self.” “Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.” “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” “The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.”,“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” “I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.”


Short biography of Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, in Portsea, England. His father, John Dickens, was a clerk in the navy pay office, and his mother, Elizabeth Dickens, was a kind and gentle woman.When Charles was five years old, his father was transferred to London, and the family moved to a house in Camden Town. Two years later, John Dickens was imprisoned for debt, and Charles was sent to work in a blacking factory.This experience was a turning point in Dickens’s life. He was deeply humiliated by the working conditions and the treatment he received from his employers.Dickens’s father was released from prison after four months, and Charles was able to return to school.

He continued his education at a private school and then at Wellington House Academy.In 1827, Dickens began work as a law clerk, but he was not interested in the law. He left his job after only a few months and found work as a reporter for a newspaper.Dickens’s first novel, “The Pickwick Papers,” was published in 1836, and it was an instant success. Dickens’s popularity grew with the publication of his next novel, “Oliver Twist,” in 1837.Dickens’s novels “Nicholas Nickleby” (1838) and “The Old Curiosity Shop” (1841) were also very popular.In 1842, Dickens began publishing “American Notes,” a travel book about his tour of the United States. The book was critical of American society, and it caused a diplomatic incident.Dickens’s next novel, “Martin Chuzzlewit,” was published in 1843. It was not as successful as his previous novels, but it did contain one of Dickens’s most famous characters, the con-man, Harold Skimpole.In 1844, Dickens published “A Christmas Carol,” one of his most popular and best-loved novels.In 1845, Dickens began publishing a new novel, “Dombey and Son.” The novel was very popular, and it was followed by “David Copperfield” (1850), “Bleak House” (1853), “Hard Times” (1854), “Little Dorrit” (1857), and “A Tale of Two Cities” (1859).In 1860, Dickens’s wife, Catherine Dickens, gave birth to their tenth child. Dickens was deeply affected by the birth, and he began to suffer from depression.In 1865, Dickens began a new novel, “Our Mutual Friend.” He also started work on a mystery story, “The Mystery of Edwin Drood,” but he never finished it. Dickens’s health continued to decline, and he died on June 9, 1870.

General Essay Structure for this Topic

  1. Introduction to Charles Dickens
  2. The Life of Charles Dickens
  3. The Works of Charles Dickens
  4. The Impact of Charles Dickens
  5. The Style of Charles Dickens
  6. The Legacy of Charles Dickens
  7. Charles Dickens and Social Criticism
  8. Charles Dickens and the Victorian Era
  9. Charles Dickens and Religion
  10. Charles Dickens and Family

Important information

Nicknames: Boz, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens’ Christmas Carol, Dickens

Plays: A Tale of Two Cities 1859, No Thoroughfare 1867,

Frequently Asked Questions about Charles Dickens

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Did Charles Dickens write essays?
This volume contains some miscellaneous essays by Dickens, mostly on social subjects, and transcriptions of speeches at official events across his career. Read More:
How did Charles Dickens influence society?
Besides his brilliant clinical descriptions (many of which were unrecognized in his day) and his activities as a social reformer, he was instrumental in facilitating the development of homeless shelters for women, the first pediatric hospital in the United Kingdom, and the development of orthopedics. Read More:
What is Charles Dickens most famous for?
Charles Dickens is one of Britain's most famous authors. His writing includes books such as Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol - books that are still very widely read today. He wrote about things that many people before him had avoided writing about, like the lives of poorer people. Read More:

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