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Essay Examples


Vaccination and Effective Smallpox Vaccine


Words: 2268 (10 pages)

Smallpox is a dire, highly contagious, and often lethal disease that is caused by the variola virus that can be spread by air or by direct contact through people or clothing that has been contaminated by the pus or scabs. Smallpox has been a problem for many countries throughout the world because of the serious…

Colonialism in Africa



Words: 900 (4 pages)

Ladonya Gatling World Civilizations II Mr. Mitchell 10:00-10:50 (MWF) Colonialism in Africa “Neither imperialism nor colonialism is a simple act of accumulation nor acquisition… Out of imperialism, notions about culture were classified, reinforced, criticized or rejected” (BBC World Service). The nineteenth century saw massive changes in Africa. Some were driven by famine and disease (BBC…

Chivalry Displayed In Le Morte D’ arthur Essay


King Arthur


Middle Ages

Words: 970 (4 pages)

In the Medieval Period, knights dedicated their lives to following the codification of gallantry. In Sir Thomas Malory s Le Morte vitamin D Arthur, a figure of characters performed gallant Acts of the Apostless to accomplish the position of an ideal knight. Their features of regard for adult females and courtesy for all, helpfulness to…

African American Slave in “Oroonoko”

African American

Words: 1554 (7 pages)

In Aphra Behns Oroonoko, the author expresses her views on and passionately, which in the Seventeenth century was unsuited for a person , let alone a woman, to do. By establishing the story from a first person account there becomes a juxtaposition of both author and character. By doing so the reader is able to…

Cormac Fitzgeoffrey’s Kin in the Crusades – Part Two


Words: 4145 (17 pages)

Geoffrey the Bastard, who in future would be the father of REH’s rage-filled adventurer Cormac Fitzgeoffrey, was in trouble. He was just fourteen, and his prospects for growing old enough to father anybody didn’t look sanguine. His father, William, who had been among the King of Sicily’s greatest war-captains, was dead in battle with the…

Black Elk Speaks: Autobiography and History of the Lakota People

American History

Words: 1574 (7 pages)

Black Elk Speaks Black Elk Speaks is an autobiography and a tribal history of Black Elk and the Lakota people. Throughout the book there are many elements of symbology such as important numbers, colors and animals. Most of the symbols are shown through Black Elk’s vision because this is the time where Black Elk is…

Pride and Antigone


Words: 755 (4 pages)

When analyzing the history of Greek Tragedies it is impossible not to address one of the main focuses of tragedies; the fatal flaw of some of the characters. Fatal flaws are the negative traits of a character that eventually leads to their downfall. One key fatal flaw that is repeated throughout many Greek tragedies is…

Ancient Civilization of Greece and Rome



Words: 1477 (6 pages)

Introduction             The term ‘ancient civilization’ refers to a society that existed long ago. It is often used to describe societies that developed around the Mediterranean Sea starting around 3000 B.C. and ending in A.D. 476 with the fall of the Roman Empire.             Ancient Greek civilization can be traced back to the Minoan (muh-noh-uhn)…

Sonny’s Blue and Two Kinds Rebellion Literary Analysis


Words: 1600 (7 pages)

Children are inherently rebellious – it is a natural part of their development to rebel against their parents or guardians. This rebellion process often involves questioning one’s beliefs, navigating outside influences, seeking acceptance, and striving for understanding. Upon analyzing characters from stories focused on rebellion, I have come to realize that rebellion is not simply…

Literary criticism

Historical Criticism

Words: 585 (3 pages)

            The story that is the subject of this piece of literary criticism is Margaret Laurence’s “The Loons,” part of her collection of short stories titled A Bird in the House. Though considered a collection of short stories, this set of narratives also forms a cohesive whole in which the same characters and setting appear…

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What are the key elements of a History essay

The key elements of a history essay are a thesis, evidence, and analysis. A thesis is a claim about the past that is supported by evidence. Evidence is a piece of information that supports the thesis. Analysis is a way of interpreting the evidence.

How to start essay on History

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the focus of the essay. However, some tips on how to start a history essay include:- Choose a specific event, person, or time period to focus on- Do some research to gain background knowledge on your chosen topic- Develop a thesis statement that will guide the rest of your essay- Organize your thoughts and information in a logical manner- Begin your essay with an introduction that will grab the reader’s attention

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