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Essays on Joseph Conrad

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Heart of Darkness vs. Things Fall Apart Compare and Contrast

Heart Of Darkness

Things Fall Apart

Words: 1357 (6 pages)

In “Heart of Darkness”, Joseph Conrad presents Africa from the stereotypical viewpoint of European sailors, who often portrayed the indigenous people as savages. In contrast, China Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart” offers a non-stereotypical portrayal by depicting the natives as members of a traditional society rather than as primitives or savages. The verifiable presentation of European…

Abuse of Power in Heart of Darkness and in Frankenstein



Heart Of Darkness






Victor Frankenstein

Words: 1633 (7 pages)

How is the abuse of power shown in the two works that you have studied? The works I have studied and will be exploring in this essay are Mary Shelly’s ‘Frankenstein’ and Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’. In ‘Frankenstein’ the abuse of power is most clearly exhibited by the protagonist of the story Frankenstein himself,…

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born December 3, 1857, Berdychiv, Ukraine
died August 3, 1924, Bishopsbourne, United Kingdom
description Joseph Conrad was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language. Though he did not speak English fluently until his twenties, he came to be regarded a master prose stylist who brought a non-English sensibility into English literature.
books Heart of darkness ; with, The Congo diary ; and, Up-river book 1899, Lord Jim 1899, Nostromo 1904
children Borys Conrad, John Conrad

“Being a woman is a terribly difficult trade since it consists principally of dealings with men.” “It’s only those who do nothing that make no mistakes, I suppose.” “We live as we dream–alone .” “It was written I should be loyal to the nightmare of my choice.”,Who knows what true loneliness is – not the conventional word but the naked terror? All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.


Short biography of Joseph Conrad

Conrad was born Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski in 1857 in Berdichev, in the Polish Ukraine, then a province of the Russian Empire. His father, Apollo Korzeniowski, was a writer, translator, political activist and aristocrat. In 1861, Apollo was arrested for his political activities, imprisoned in Warsaw and then exiled to northern Russia. Conrad’s mother, Ewa Bobrowska, died of tuberculosis in 1865.Suffering from bronchial congestion, Conrad was sent for the winter of 1868–1869 to Kraków to stay with his uncle, Tadeusz Bobrowski. The following year, his father was arrested and imprisoned in Warsaw.

Conrad was placed in the care of his uncle, who died a few months later. In 1874, he was sent to live with his maternal aunt, Lucyna Lipska, in Odessa, Ukraine. He attended Odessa’s Polish High School, where he learned Polish and French, unlike his father, who was educated in Russian. In 1875, Apollo Korzeniowski was released from prison by the Tsar and went to live with his family in Kraków.In 1876, Conrad began studying at the Warsaw Lyceum. He was expelled in 1878 after failing his secondary-school exams. Conrad did not attempt to continue his schooling. Instead, he joined the merchant marine, embarking in 1878 on a four-year voyage to Marseille. It was during this voyage that he began to develop his lifelong interest in the sea.In 1878, Conrad met Karolina O’Hara, the daughter of an Irish businessman living in Odessa. They became engaged and were married in Odessa in March 1881. The couple had two sons, Borys and John.In 1883, Conrad returned to the sea, sailing from Antwerp to Batavia, Java, in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia).

This journey was the basis for the novel Almayer’s Folly. In 1886, Conrad sailed to New York, where he became a British subject.Conrad returned to the sea in 1888, sailing from Liverpool to Rangoon, Burma (now Myanmar), and then on to Bangkok, Siam (now Thailand). This journey was the basis for the novel Lord Jim. In 1890, Conrad sailed from Liverpool to Australia. In 1892, he sailed to the Congo, where he worked as the captain of a river steamer on the Congo River. This experience was the basis for the novella Heart of Darkness.Conrad returned to England in 1894, and in 1895 he married Jessie George. The couple had two daughters, Borys and John. In 1897, Conrad began working on The Nigger of the “Narcissus”. The novel was published in 1898.

General Essay Structure for this Topic

  1. The Importance of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
  2. The Unreliability of the Narrator in Heart of Darkness
  3. The Darkness Within Us: A Reading of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
  4. The Heart of Darkness: A Journey into the Self
  5. The Colonial Encounters in Heart of Darkness
  6. The Ambiguity of Evil in Heart of Darkness
  7. The Role of Women in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
  8. Postcolonial Critique of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
  9. Race and Otherness in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
  10. The Legacy of Heart of Darkness

Important information

Spouse: Jessie George (m. 1896–1924)

Short stories: Heart of darkness ; with, The Congo diary ; and, Up-river book, The Duel

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