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The Black Cat Essay Examples

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Essay Examples


The Theme of Perversity in Edgar Allen Poe’s The Black Cat Analysis

The Black Cat

Words: 1343 (6 pages)

The Black Cat is a tale that leaves the reader somewhat perplexed. It certainly contains all the ingredients necessary to satisfy the appetite of any Poe enthusiast – an enigmatic narrator, alcohol and the effects thereof, mutilation, strangulation, murder, putrefaction, and, last but not least, one of Poe’s slight (but recurring) obsessions, perversity – but…

The Black Cat: What Goes Around Comes Around Short Summary

The Black Cat

Words: 1128 (5 pages)

In his story “The Black Cat,” Edgar Allan Poe dramatizes his experiencewith madness, and challenges the readers suspension of disbelief by usingimagery in describing the plot and characters. Poe uses foreshadowing todescribe the scenes of sanity versus insanity. He writes “for the most wild yethomely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect…

Of “The Black Cat”

The Black Cat

Words: 729 (3 pages)

Throughout the opening paragraph, the reader is introduced to a narrator who, because of his grotesque actions, has become mentally deranged and very untrustworthy, “my very senses reject their own evidence.” The narration of this story is in the first person, which would lead you to believe the narrator could be trusted to relate to…

A Glimpse Into the World of “The Black Cat”

The Black Cat

Words: 1852 (8 pages)

Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories are known for their suspense, mystery, and ability to evoke feelings of horror and shock in readers. Poe’s exploration of the human mind reveals the abnormalities of his narrators, and he disapproves of their desperate attempts to justify themselves. He delves into the realistic investigation of individuals who are too…

Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Black Cat”


Edgar Allan Poe

The Black Cat

Words: 1131 (5 pages)

In Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Black Cat,” readers are exposed to a story told by an alcoholic man who becomes increasing violent throughout the story. The narrator is originally a tender and affectionate man, with a love for animals. “My tenderness of heart was even so conspicuous as to make me the jest of my…

The Black Cat A reflection of Edgar Allen Poe Analysis

The Black Cat

Words: 1709 (7 pages)

Although the story may be fictional, the story still masks the events that occurred in Poe’s life. From his fatal attraction to alcohol all the way to his enc ounter with the spirit of perverseness, Edgar Allen Poe tells of his tragedies behind a mask wh Ose title is, The Black Cat. The fictional narrative…

Literature Review of “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allen Poe

The Black Cat

Words: 742 (3 pages)

Although most of Edgar Allen Poe’s most famous works of short fiction are renowned for their unity of expression and the obvious craftsmanship of their respective narratives, Poe’s story “The Black Cat,” remains one of the most troubling and technically complex of his short stories.  Key to the story is the murder of the narrator’s…

Importance Of Point Of View In “The Black Cat” by Egar Allen


The Black Cat

Words: 1128 (5 pages)

The story is told from the perspective of the main character, who also serves as the narrator. This allows the reader to fully comprehend the events in the story. However, as the narrative progresses, it becomes clear that there are doubts about the credibility of the narrator’s account. Although the narrator possesses extreme opinions, it…

“The Black Cat”, “The cask of Amontillado” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” Analysis

Cask Of Amontillado

Edgar Allan Poe

The Black Cat

The Fall of The House of Usher

The Tell Tale Heart

Words: 631 (3 pages)

An unreliable narrator’s story is not completely accurate because of their mental state. Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories are written in the 15th century. A time period were murder was uncommon. However is was common for people to plead insanity quite frequently. We see throughout Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories his continuous use of unreliable…

author Edgar Allan Poe
genre Horror fiction, Gothic Literature
originally published August 19, 1843
description The Black Cat is a short story by American writer Edgar Allan Poe. It was first published in the August 19, 1843, edition of The Saturday Evening Post. In the story, an unnamed narrator has a strong affection for pets until he perversely turns to abusing them.
characters Pluto, The Second Cat, The Policemen, The Narrator, The Narrator's Wife

Conflict: The central conflict in “The Black Cat” is man versus himself. The narrator’s descent into madness is signposted frequently by his irrational behavior, his justification of that behavior and assigning the blame to others (including the cat), his torturing animals, and his murdering his wife., The conflict in the story is an internal, person versus self conflict. The narrator attempts to avoid harming the second black cat, but he “soon found a dislike to it arising within (him)…

Mood: The mood of “The Black Cat” is one of shock and disgust at the actions of the unreliable narratorunreliable narratorAn unreliable narrator is a narrator whose credibility is compromised. They can be found in fiction and film, and range from children to mature characters. The term was coined in 196 1 by Wayne C. … Such a twist ending forces readers to reconsider their point of view and experience of the story.

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