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Essay Examples

Fallacy in Car Advertisement: A Woman and a Car Equal Sex?


Words: 432 (2 pages)

The idea of a man’s desire is both fascinating and powerful, particularly in car industry advertisements. Whether in magazines or on television, we are exposed to ads promoting various products and services. Companies often employ fallacies to influence people’s decision-making, making it challenging to discern the creator’s intended message. Fallacy in advertisement can be an…

“A Streetcar Named Desire”: A Light and Dark Perception

A Streetcar Named Desire


Words: 1297 (6 pages)

The words light and darkness have multiple meanings, but in general, people view light as positive and darkness as negative. In A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, the theme of light and darkness is utilized to emphasize important elements and characters. Williams incorporates light and darkness in both tangible aspects within the setting of…

Does a Cell Phone Conversation Affect Reaction Time?

Distracted Driving

Words: 707 (3 pages)

Have you ever wondered how much a cell phone can affect your reaction time in everyday activities? Even when you are not on it, but it is nearby? The cerebellum is under the cerebrum in the brain, and it controls symmetry, motion, and organization. Using a cell phone can change your reaction time, which is…

“Who Killed the Electric Car?”


Electric car

Words: 487 (2 pages)

In 1996, electric cars began to appear on roads all over California. They were quiet and fast, produced no exhaust and ran without gasoline. Ten years later, these futuristic cars were almost completely gone. ” ‘Who Killed the Electric Car’ is a documentary which unfolds a complex set of events around the development and demise…

Short Essay – War Driving



Words: 276 (2 pages)

War driving involves driving around a city or other areas to discover and possibly take advantage of connections to wireless local area networks (WLANs). To participate in war driving, you will require a car, a laptop, a wireless Ethernet card set up for promiscuous mode, and an antenna that can be placed on top of…

Drunk Driving Annotated Bibliography

Driving under the influence

Drunk Driving

Words: 1582 (7 pages)

Kerr, Joanne, and Jack Elwell. “A Drunk Driving Prevention Program for Your Students.” The American Biology Teacher, vol. 65, no. 3, 1 Mar. 2003, pp. 199–205., doi:10.2307/4451474. Joanne Kerr and Jack Elwell’s journal offers honest material on the Problem of drunk driving, especially on youngsters complete with its laws and consequences. Taking a thought-provoking advance…

A Lot of People Take Their Driver’s License for Granted


Words: 699 (3 pages)

A lot of people take their driver’s license for granted, and believe me I use to take it for granted too. But ever since I lost my license, I will never take it for granted again. There are many ways to lose your license, but this is the way I lost mine. After I got…

Driving Forces Of Change In Textile Industries Commerce Analysis




Words: 5032 (21 pages)

Introduction This undertaking is given us as concluding assignment in strategic direction category the subject is The drive forces those coercing to alter the fabric industry of Pakistan ” the Pakistan is agriculture basal state and the fabric is the back bone of Pakistan economic system. The intent of making such types of assignment is…

Tragic Mid-Air Crash of PSA Flight 182


Words: 1433 (6 pages)

Abstract: The article titled “Mid-Air of PSA Flight 182 and its Impacts on U. S. Aviation” is written by Lance Paston from Utah Valley University. This article discusses the catastrophic crash between PSA flight 182 and Cessna N7711G, a Cessna 172. It also explores the subsequent regulatory changes made by the FAA in response to…

The Issue of Electric Cars Today


Words: 916 (4 pages)

The topic of electric cars is currently being discussed, but many people have yet to witness their practical use in everyday life. An article titled “Electrical Engineering” highlights an Australian individual who successfully created his own electric car using a second-hand Porsche, proving that owning a private electric car is no longer an unattainable dream….

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