This story revolves around two roommates and a young woman. The primary character, the first roommate, possesses an exceptional intellect known as a “dynamo” in the narrative. Despite being only 18 years old, he is also studying law. In contrast, his roommate Petey Bellows lacks intelligence but has a strong interest in fashionable trends on their campus, such as raccoon coats worn by the Big Men. The protagonist is deeply infatuated with Petey’s girlfriend, Polly Epsy, whom he considers to be the most graceful and breathtaking person he has ever encountered. Polly’s manner of eating and walking exudes an aura of refinement.
She was the epitome of his desires, satisfying the intellectual needs of a man like him. In order to enable this exchange, they struck a deal. The protagonist agreed to give his raccoon coat to Petey, while in return, Petey had to allow him to date Polly. As he embarked on a relationship with Polly, he quickly realized their stark differences. Despite Polly’s appealing appearance, she lacked intelligence. Thus, he made it his mission to impart his knowledge of logical fallacies to Polly, molding her into the ideal partner who meets his standards for a wife. It only took one night for him to create his perfect woman.
Following their intellectual date, the man resolved to make their future outings more romantic. It took him five nights to gather the courage and confess his love for Polly. However, he was surprised by her response as she employed fallacies to express her own thoughts.
He stated that he doesn’t have to consistently employ the fallacies, as they are solely taught in a classroom. Nonetheless, Polly continuously countered him using those fallacies. Then, he directly inquired if she would embrace his affection. To his astonishment, she refused because she had made a commitment to be with Petey during that afternoon. This infuriated him, and he interrogated her choice: “Why would you opt for Petey Bellows over me? Look at me – an exceptional student, an extraordinary intellectual, and a man with an assured future.”
Look at Petey, a knot-head, a jitterbug, a guy who will never know where his next meal is coming from. Can you provide one logical reason for you to be in a committed relationship with Petey?