Nelson mandelas role in ending apartheid

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He turned to violent acts when the government banned the NC, instead of giving up the fight against apartheid. Before he was imprisoned he said a speech in court. During his speech he mentioned that he was willing to die for his cause (ending apartheid), this gained him respect and supporters whilst he was in prison. These supporters campaigned against apartheid for Mandela whilst he was in prison. In the end the government couldn’t take any more of the struggle (due to isolation of sport and economic sanctions), so they offered Mandela a release if he would in favor stop the anti-apartheid campaigners.

Mandela did not accept this offer, he said he will not leave prison unless apartheid is stopped. Eventually the government agreed, Mandela was released (after 27 years of imprisonment), and this was the beginning of the ending of apartheid. Soon after Mandela was released Blacks gained the right to vote, Mandela was elected president, he could then put blacks rights into use let black and white people in South Africa live together in harmony. He was in prison. These supporters campaigned against apartheid for Mandela whilst he was in prison.

In the end the government couldn’t take any ore of the struggle (due to isolation of sport and economic sanctions), so they offered Mandela a release if he would in favor stop the anti-apartheid campaigners. Mandela did not accept this offer, he said he will not leave prison unless apartheid is stopped. Eventually the government agreed, Mandela was released (after 27 years of imprisonment), and this was the beginning of the ending of apartheid. Soon after he was released Blacks gained the right to vote, Mandela was elected president, he could then put blacks rights into use let black and white people in South Africa

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