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Persuasive Essay Examples Page 6

We found 108 free papers on Persuasive

Example of a Persuasive Speech

Persuasive Speech

Words: 904 (4 pages)

Here’s an example of a persuasive speech on the subject of gender selection – a pretty hot topic these days! In order to have a chance of persuading your audience members to agree with your point of view, choosing good persuasive speech topics is important. But what’s even more important is choosing a subject about…

Persuasive On Paying College Athletes



Words: 403 (2 pages)

Compensating collegiate players is essential due to the high risk involved in sports. If a student-athlete is injured or unsuccessful, they can be waived by coaches and administrators, leaving them with nothing. Additionally, the long-term healthcare expenses faced by some contact sports athletes are often overlooked. A “free education” cannot adequately compensate them for debilitating…

Animal Farm – Persuasive Speech Sample

Persuasive Speech

Words: 608 (3 pages)

Good morning/ afternoon Mrs xxx and fellow schoolmates. Today I will be carrying to you that I strongly believe the function of a possible leader would be most suited for Benjamin the donkey. In my address today I will be converting that Benjamin is the best campaigner for a new leader. I will be discoursing…

Persuasive Speech:Government


Persuasive Speech

Words: 1019 (5 pages)

a. Attention Getter : When people ask me why I joined the military I think of all the reason that I did it for, but I think Toby Keith sums it up the best : “ ’cause freedom don’t come free. ” b. Topic : Freedoms come with a great cost but yet we still…

College Textbooks Too Expensive



Persuasive Speech

Words: 275 (2 pages)

Students are dropping hundreds of thousands of dollars on college textbooks. According to an article titled (“College textbook costs more outrageous than ever” from by Herb Weisbaum), the College Board “estimates that show more content. In an article titled (“Students break the bank to buy their books” from USA, by Oona Goodin-Smith), “for…

Persuasive Speech, Prevention of AIDS


Persuasive Speech

Words: 391 (2 pages)

Maybe you haven’t had the chance, but have you ever saved someone’s life? If so, you comprehend the immense satisfaction and happiness that accompanies it. Even if you’ve only aided someone with a minor task, you understand that sentiment. You are aware of the joy that comes with helping others. One method to create an…

Persuasive Speech Topics

Persuasive Speech

Words: 878 (4 pages)

The right persuasive speech topics should ignite your passions, which – in turn – should ignite the passions of your audience members. I have LOTS of ideas for you to think about – choose from the categories below to see my suggestions, then read on for some great tips in helping you make your selection….

Persuasive Speech :Fast Food

Fast Food

Persuasive Speech

Words: 842 (4 pages)

I. ADG- The reason why fast food is often described as unpleasant is not a falsehood. During my overnight shift at McDonald’s, a customer who was intoxicated drove through the Drive-Thru around 2:30 a.m. While my coworker took his order, the customer used offensive language and insulted her due to an incorrect order. This made…

Essay on Persuasive Speech Outline


Persuasive Speech

Words: 362 (2 pages)

Cheng Hsien Tan Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience to fight world hunger and poverty through child sponsorship programs. Central Idea: The world has a huge problem with poverty and hunger and this problem could be immensely downsized if everyone that has a little extra money sponsors a child. Pattern of Organization: Problem-Solution Introduction…

Gender Persuasive Speech Outline

Persuasive Speech

Words: 266 (2 pages)

A. Attention-Getter: Do you remember the time when communication meant using a phone or writing letters? When we had to physically write checks and go to humans to get cash? Or when the only way to do research was going to the library? B. Link-to Audience: Nowadays, email, ATM machines, and the Internet have become…

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What Is a Persuasive Essay?

A persuasive essay is one in which you take a stand and back it up with evidence throughout the essay. A persuasive essay must be about a topic on which you can make a solid case for or against anything. This is only possible when the subject is divisive. You couldn’t argue for or against the statement “Humans require air to breathe,” for example. “Humans require political systems in order to thrive,” you could argue.

A powerful thesis statement that is supported by solid evidence, discusses the opposing side’s arguments, and finishes with questions or ideas for further investigation or study are all characteristics of an excellent persuasive essay.

Persuasive essay structure and format

The basic structure of a persuasive essay is five paragraphs. Of fact, it can and frequently will be longer, but you should strive to confine each supporting point, or thesis, to one paragraph.

A persuasive essay’s typical structure is as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Paragraphs in the body (3 or more)
  • Conclusion

This is the basic structure: you’ll start with a one-paragraph introduction, then write three or more paragraphs for the body of your essay, and lastly your conclusion, all of which will be tied together with a pretty little bow on top.

Part 1: Persuasive essay introduction

You start with a hook, attracting the attention of your audience right away with your first words. This can be a quote, a personal tale, an interesting statistic or fact, an outrageous statement, or a question.

After you’ve gotten your reader’s attention, you’ll need to figure out who that reader is. Make it obvious who your target audience is, whether it’s your instructor, your classmates, cat owners, Star Wars aficionados, or Pokémon collectors.

Your thesis should be the third and final section of the introduction. This is a concise, forceful statement that informs the reader of the topic or purpose of your work. It is the cornerstone of your essay, as well as anything else you will say.

Part 2: Persuasive essay body paragraphs

The body of your essay is the meat of it. It is here that you will undertake the actual persuasion to persuade others to believe in your idea. If you don’t have at least three paragraphs of proof to back up your claim, it’s likely that your thesis isn’t strong enough. If that’s the case, take a step back and brainstorm ideas for a statement you’re passionate about, then go on to your issue.

Each argument you make in support of your thesis should be incorporated in its own body paragraph, with any supporting facts, examples, numbers, or quotes provided in the same paragraph. Take the time to think about each of your points and what they signify.

Part 3: Persuasive essay conclusion

By the time you get to the end of your essay, your readers should be on board with you. The purpose of the conclusion is to simply restate what they’ve previously been informed and to leave them with a call to action so that they can go about their day in a somewhat different frame of mind than when they began reading your essay.

Now that you know how to write a persuasive essay, you’re on your road to getting good grades. If you still need assistance, check out the writing advice listed below.

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