Film Analysis of “Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon”

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Environmental Facts

The film entitled “Ganito kami noon, paano kayo ngayon” displayed an immersive look of the Philippines during the Spanish colonization. It portrayed how rich culture was in Manila and how influenced the city looked, while the far-flung areas of the country was shown to be otherwise. The film was set to show sometime around the dry season of 1898.

Economic Environment

The economic environment of the country was shown to be driven by the Spanish. The movie depicted the central form of government imposed that focuses on land ownership and taxes. On the other hand, it was shown that the center for trade and business was in Manila, where most of the Spanish resides.

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Political Environment

The Spanish regime did not do well for the Philippine government. In fact, most of the cabinet members presiding were of Spanish nationality. There were in charge of enforcing laws and deciding for the country. The church, on the other hand, were seen with high regards and deemed power. They were also positioned on top of the hierarchy and were considered to be one of the most influential. The cedula, an identification card given to Filipinos for economic and political purposes, was shown to be used in some scenes in the movie. This goes to show that Spain was still in power.

Social Environment

The social difference among the elites and natives were greatly highlighted as the story progressed. It showed how inferior the Filipinos felt and were seen given the cultural diversity. A sense of hierarchy was imposed and nurtured to retain the dominance of the Spaniards. The film included how brainwashed society was for deeming foreign culture to be the identity of the Filipinos. The Philippines was portrayed to be on the brink of cultural crisis given the transition from Spanish era to American regime. The country was also shown to be inferior to the colonizers in terms of arms and riches; however, not in ideals.

Religious Environment

The film featured a religion-centered country and government. Given that the political system was mostly influenced by the church, it is evident that religion – specifically Christianity was widely spread and used for administration.

Character Analysis

Nicolas Ocampo who was portrayed by Christopher de Leon was the main character in the film. He was innocent and showed kindness to anyone he met. He was a simple man and desired nothing but to live a normal life after his mother’s death. However, after being exposed to different settings, his perception about things changed. He wanted to reach his destination-Manila to bring Bindoy to Padre Gil. He wished to be loved and be married to Diding; the woman he fell in love with. Upon the request of Padre Gil, it was his responsibility to look after Bindoy. Like any other citizen of the country, he just wanted to find somewhere to belong to. In the latter part of the movie, he decided to abandon the life he was given and start anew somewhere where the toxicity of culture and people cannot reach. With the said desires of Kulas, he seemed to be a man who would rather choose a simpler life with lesser wealth than to live a grand but chaotic one. His intentions were pure because he had no other agenda aside from achieving them. Generally, his main desire was not concrete not until he witnessed the condition and treatment of the colonizers to the Filipinos.

Furthermore, it can be said that Kulas was courageous and persevering in achieving his desires. He was not a quitter because he tried his best to come up with the best decision. Despite being naive, he had an unwavering will that kept him going.

Since Kulas was naturally kind, his decisions was rooted in no more than goodness. Throughout the film, Kulas stood for truth and justice. For instance, disappointment and anger towards Diding when she cheated to him, he never took the chance for violence. He never hesitated to help someone who were in need especially those who helped him during his journey to Manila. However, his moral stance was shaken when he witnessed the condition of the Filipinos under the colonizers. He was awakened by what he had experienced and decided to be part of those who will fight for the country. His desires still remained inclined towards the good; however, was fashioned deeply by his experience.

Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon?

The title of the film “Ganito kami noon, paano kayo ngayon” speaks to the Filipinos of today as it uses the portrayal of the Spanish and American regime as a cornerstone to ignite patriotism. It indirectly urges the people to carve a better path for the Philippines not only by adhering to the identity of a Filipino but by fighting for the sake of the country as well. With the subjection of the Philippines to colonization, Kulas Ocampo found himself overwhelmed and a bit lost with the faster paced and unusual world as compared to the one he has been accustomed to. Adding the fact that he was not presented the opportunity for a good education, the inferiority mindset instilled to the Filipinos became more evident in his actions. He was able to adapt with the help of Don Tibor and a few people; however, the question with regards to what really is a Filipino still remained unanswered in his thoughts.

The actions made by Kulas were influenced greatly by the hierarchy imposed among the Filipinos. In the first scenes of the movie, it was shown that priests and Spaniards were seen with high regards and that they hold greater power. As such, most of his actions were driven by influence from these people. This trend continued for most parts in his stay and journey to Manila; however, at the end, he came to the realization that he is not happy nor fulfilled with the life presented to him. These series of events and actions implies that the imposition of culture and inferiority struck deep in the minds of the people.

The movie described how vulnerable the Philippines was to foreign invaders. It showed how easily the country was influenced by different cultures up to the point that the identity of being a Filipino was questioned. Despite the drawbacks resulting from various colonization, the sense of patriotism still reigned as Filipinos fought back for freedom and identity. The film ideally encapsulated the thirst of the people for freedom and their unwavering will to fight. It goes to show that, despite the diversity in tradition and language, Filipinos fought as one.

In September 18, 1986, Cory Aquino addressed the US congress with a speech of vigor and promise. She discussed how her late husband was subjected to different maltreatment as he fought for the country and how she will continue his legacy and ambitions. It was also stated in her speech how the Philippines suffered under the rule of dictators and how, as one, the country rose to the occasion. In the concluding section she addressed America to join the Philippines in continuing this promise and in building a safe haven for the oppressed and for freedom. On the other hand, the Malolos constitution served as the first official Philippine constitution since its freedom. It represented the capacity and will of the Filipinos to create a government of its own, without control of any dictator. The Malolos declaration of independence addressed the nation as a free country. Its occurrence paved the way for the reconstruction of the government with the addition of sectors and branches. Both the Malolos declaration and Cory Aquino’s speech served as a promising start of rebirth for the country and an acknowledgment for its dark years – as what was portrayed in the film. It was more of a beacon that signified that the Philippines was done from being tyrannized.

List of References

  1. Speech of President Corazon Aquino during the Joint Session of the U.S. Congress, September 18, 1986: GOVPH. (1986, September 18). Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  2. Araw ng Republikang Filipino, 1899: GOVPH. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Film Analysis of “Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon”. (2022, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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