“Near The School For Handicapped Children” by Thomas Shapcott

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In the verse form ‘near the school for handicapped children’ by Thomas Shapcott a adult male and his girl are go throughing by a local school for disabled kids and come across a disabled male child from a distance. In stanza one the poet ( Thomas Shapcott ) describes the male child physically. In stanza two and three. he is still depicting the male child. but besides stating us how he feels about seeing him and how he compares himself to the male child while watching him. In the concluding stanza, he describes how the male child is happy and leaves the people who are watching him behind.

Within the first stanza. as stated before the Poet describes the disabled male child physically. In the line “his shirt dorks at his body” the writer uses an affectional thought of personification. giving the boy’s shirt human features. By utilizing this construction. the verse form becomes more descriptive and hooks the reader in ; doing them want to read more. By composing the physical belongingss of the male child the poet has written this stanza in 3rd individual for illustration ; his chapeau his shirt and his pess.

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In the 2nd stanza the author is still depicting the male child. but taking his visual aspect back to himself and utilizing his ain physical belongingss in comparing to the boy’s. We can see this in the lines ; “his limbs remind me of how straight/is my ain spinal column and that I take/my fingers for granted” he so says “he is waiting for the green light” this is the first direct action that the Poet gives us. The other actions he has used antecedently have all been feelings. where he has given us hints to perplex together ourselves. to do a graphic image in our head. Whereas in this line he tells us what the male child is making straight.

Stanza three is a small different to stanzas 1 and 2 because it is written in first individual. This is recognized because of the manner the author has written “MY fingers. I am hurt. I fear MY. I’M. appreciation ME” These are all illustrations of first individual the writer has used. Another large factor of this stanza is the emotion and proficient vocabulary “I am hurt by my wholeness” is a great illustration because it makes you experience sympathetic towards the boy’s disadvantages. Another great illustration within the text is “his battle rasps me like a whisper”

Stanza four has a complete alteration in the whole verse form. It is nil likewise to the other stanzas and the poet tries to demo you how the disabled male child is still happy no affair how different he is or how many jobs his universe has he dances and skips off no affair how many people stare or what anybody else thinks. A good scheme the writer has used here is repeat. In the line “he skips he dances and skips” he uses the word skips over and over once more for affect. He besides uses a simile for a coating. “Like a skimming tambourine toffee with music”

Overall. the descriptive verse form “Near the school for handicapped children” By Thomas Shapcott has been written instructively and gives you a existent feeling on existent life issues for some people. I extremely recommend this verse form to anyone who will bask it as I truly did.

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“Near The School For Handicapped Children” by Thomas Shapcott. (2017, Sep 13). Retrieved from


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