Opposing the Argument That Illiteracy Lies in the Inadequacy of the Education System

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Illiteracy is a frequently overlooked disability that affects people from all backgrounds in our country. It has become a significant and widespread issue over the years, with underestimated consequences for individuals and society. Those who cannot read and write may not fully understand the potential harm it can cause. They may have difficulties comprehending prescription instructions, interpreting road signs, or reading bedtime stories to their children. The causes of illiteracy vary and can include inadequate education, failures within the education system, or parental neglect. It is perplexing that some individuals can graduate high school without basic literacy skills.

One of the primary arguments is that an insufficient educational system is responsible for the problem. The problem arises from schools being overcrowded and a lack of qualified teachers who can offer personalized instruction required for effective learning. Additionally, some teachers may not have the appropriate education or qualifications to effectively educate their students and may fail to identify learning difficulties such as Dyslexia. As a result, this adversely affects students’ capacity to learn. Regrettably, numerous educators choose to ignore these issues instead of addressing them directly.

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The educational system often prioritizes attendance over academic success in order to retain a specific number of students. However, if grading practices were more accurate in evaluating student performance, failure rates would experience a significant rise.

Some students prioritize sports above everything else in their lives. This mindset is ingrained in them from a young age by their parents and peers. The school system recognizes the significance of these athletes for the school team and prioritizes their grades to ensure they remain on the team. Consequently, any academic issues they may have are often overlooked. Other students may even assist these athletes with their coursework or take exams on their behalf so they can solely focus on sports, which they consider vital.

Parents are frequently held responsible for their children’s difficulties, often claiming it is their fault. In modern society, many children have working parents who are unable to be present at home. These parents depart early in the morning and return late at night, leaving little opportunity to assist their child with schoolwork. Additionally, they neglect to recognize any possible learning challenges the child may face. As a result, they overlook signs of the child’s struggle and rely on the school to identify and address these issues. In certain instances, rather than taking accountability themselves, parents shift blame towards the educational system.

Illiteracy may result from a child’s upbringing, where the home environment lacked educational resources. The parents might have failed to teach their children how to read in their early years, assuming that responsibility would be fulfilled by the school.

Various factors such as poverty, lack of formal education, dropping out of high school, and inadequate education contribute to the rising illiteracy rate. It is crucial for society, educators, and parents to acknowledge this alarming issue. The consequences faced by illiterate individuals in their interactions with the world are determined solely by society.

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Opposing the Argument That Illiteracy Lies in the Inadequacy of the Education System. (2022, Dec 23). Retrieved from


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