Symbolism In The Scarlet Letter: Chillingworth as the Devil

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However, that wasn’t Clownishness’s intention in the first place; he suspected Timescale as the imposter. Like a parasite, Chlorinating settled into the house, and he tried to find out the hidden truth by delving into his room at night. Also, after finding out that Timescale was the Imposter, he slowly tortured Timescale by making him feel guilty of his hidden sin and he tried to follow Timescale and Hester when they attempted to leave the town after Timescale delivered his sermon. In the end, when Timescale confessed his secret, Like a leech that lost Its host, Chlorinating died.

Although Chlorinating committed evil acts, Chlorinating showed a glimpse of good characteristics of leech: people were relieved to have a doctor because there weren’t many doctors in town. Also, he later found redemption for his act of retaliation in bequeathing his wealth to Pearl. In a nutshell, Hawthorne used the symbol “leech” to represent Roger Clownishness’s two-sided personalities. However, regardless of his two-sided personalities, his main plan was to find out and retaliate on “that” man. In chapter 9, Chlorinating arrived at the Puritan town as a doctor.

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Suspecting Dimmest as the imposter, Chlorinating “attached” to Timescale and told the townspeople that he was going to recuperate Damselfly’s debilitating health; they both went and lived in an unoccupied house. Like a leech ready to suck its host’s blood, Chlorinating built a laboratory In the house and some people were suspicious of Clownishness’s Identity and his Intention; some suspected him as the Devil who came to take away Damselfly’s soul. They thought, “At first, his expression had been calm, meditative, scholar-like.

Now, there was something ugly ND evil in his face, which they had not previously noticed, and which grew still more obvious to sight, the oftener they looked upon him,”(page 1 16) and the town people were correct about their opinion; Chlorinating was like a leech, sucking Damselfly’s confidence and soul. Later on, Chlorinating strives to search for Damselfly’s dark secrets. Day by Day, Clownishness’s thirst for revenge grew and he tried to use his scientific knowledge to dig into Damselfly’s secrets.

For Instance, In the book, the narrator says, “So Roger Chlorinating–the man of skill, the kind and roundly physician–strove to go deep Into his patient’s bosom, delving among his principles, prying Into his recollections, and probing every thing with a cautious touch, Like a treasure-seeker In a dark cavern. “(page 113) Here, Hawthorne used the word ‘delve’ to signify that there is a parasitic relationship between Chlorinating and hard to find out his secrets.

For example, when Timescale fell asleep at night, Chlorinating entered the room and smiled as he found something useful, and his reaction was somewhat similar to that of the devil. “But with what a wild look of Ender, Joy, and horror!…. But what distinguished the physician’s ecstasy from Satin’s was the trait of wonder in it! “(page 126) Here is where Chlorinating evinced another trait of a leech. Leeches are satisfied when they work hard and get the result they want, an animal’s blood.

Moreover, Hawthorne compares Satan to Chlorinating to show readers that Chlorinating shares some of the personalities and characteristics of the Devil. Speaking of which, Chlorinating inwardly tortured Timescale when Timescale asked why the herbs, which were brought to make medicine for Timescale, looked so dark and flabby, and Clownishness’s answer was, Even in the grave-yard, here at hand,” answered the physician, continuing his employment. “They are new to me. I found them growing on a grave, which bore no tombstone, no other memorial of the dead man, save these ugly weeds that have taken upon themselves to keep him in remembrance.

They grew out of his heart, and typify it may be, some hideous secret that was buried with him, and which he had done better to confess during his lifetime. “(Page 119) Crafty as ever, Chlorinating tried to make Timescale feel guilty and make him spill out his sins and this action is, again, similar to the dark side of leech. His action symbolized blood and Chlorinating loved it when Timescale became susceptible. Enjoying his new Job, Chlorinating continued to irritate Hester and Timescale, such as when Hester, Pearl, and Timescale tried to escape the town.

To quench his thirst, Chlorinating decided to follow them. “Nothing further passed between the mariner and Hester Prying. But, at that instant, she beheld old Roger Chlorinating himself, standing in the remotest corner of the market-place, and smiling on her; a smile which–across the wide and bustling square, and through all the talk and laughter, and various Houghton, moods, and interests of the crowd–conveyed secret and fearful meaning. “(page 210-211) His smile indicates his satisfaction of his new Job.

This scene evinces that Hester and Timescale are on Clownishness’s radar and Chlorinating will always be attached to them. This is another example of Chlorinating showing his dark vexing personality that is similar to the dark- side of leech. Sarcastically, when Timescale revealed his sin to the people on the scaffold, Chlorinating knelt beside him and said, “Thou hast escaped me! “(page 228) Then, Roger Chlorinating slowly died as Timescale died from debilitating health. This scene symbolizes a leech dying from loss of its host.

Here, Timescale died and Roger Clownishness’s appearance in the story started to diminish. Once again, it shows the parasitic relationship between Timescale and Chlorinating. Although Chlorinating showed his evil personalities in the majority of the book, he gave a glimpse of positive characteristics. Such as when he first arrived at the town, people Newer relieved to finally have a doctor in town, and the people called Chlorinating ‘leech”, which was the connotation of doctor. Also, after Timescale dies, Chlorinating decides to do something generous to Pearl, Hester child.

Later in the end, the narrator says, “At old Roger Clownishness’s decease (which took place within the year), and by his last will and testament, of which Governor Bellingham and the property, both here and in England, to little Pearl, the daughter of Hester Prying. “(page 232) Realizing that his desire was no benefit to anyone, he found redemption for his act of retaliation in bequeathing his wealth to Pearl. This is another example of Chlorinating showing his positive personalities. Chlorinating showed two sided aspects of leech.

Starting with the negative side, it is crucial to take look at the scene when Chlorinating delves into Damselfly’s room. That act he committed was nothing more different than a leech trying to get the good taste of its host’s blood. However, in conclusion, Childproofing showed a great aspect of leech En he redeemed himself by passing his wealth to Pearl. Hawthorne did a decent job of representing Chlorinating as a leech; he was able to show both characteristics of leech. In summary, the symbol, “leech”, was used to represent Clownishness’s behaviors and personalities.

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Symbolism In The Scarlet Letter: Chillingworth as the Devil. (2018, Feb 10). Retrieved from

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