Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

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Water is the most plentiful resource globally, comprising 97% non-potable water and only 3% potable. Nevertheless, a lack of awareness regarding water conservation contributes to its squandering. As humans cannot survive without water, it is crucial for us to sustainably oversee this valuable resource’s production of usable freshwater that can be replenished.

To conserve water resources, individuals can take various measures. One way is to avoid leaving the water running while rinsing dishes by using two sinks – one for washing with soapy water and another for rinsing with clean water. Moreover, certain appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and ice-makers utilize water that would otherwise be wasted for cooling purposes.

Consider upgrading with air-cooled appliances for significant water savings. Instead of running water from the tap, I wash fruits and vegetables in a pan of water. I collect the water used for rinsing fruits and vegetables and reuse it to water houseplants. Additionally, I save up to 150 gallons per month by shortening my shower by a minute or two. Lastly, I collect water from our roof to water my garden. These are my strategies for conserving water.

In terms of water conservation, it is hoped that people comprehend its significance and strive to prevent wastage. Self-discipline plays a crucial role in promoting and upholding water preservation as part of peace education. Jennie Nugas identified three attributes in peace educators based on her own experiences. The term “law” was selected to symbolize the implementation of actions that foster greater peace within the community.

O – The word “overhaul” implies the need for a thorough examination and necessary repairs and adjustments to achieve peace in our daily life.
V – It is necessary to vary our lifestyle in order to promote peaceful living and resolve conflicts with others.
E – Ease refers to the comfort and well-being of every person that is important to us. It is crucial to express our feelings freely and work towards attaining peace by applying the principles of peace education.

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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan. (2016, Nov 25). Retrieved from

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