Speech of Commemoration

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Speech Preparation Outlines The speech outline helps you decide what you will say in the introduction, how you will organise the main points and supporting materials in the body of the speech, and what you will say in the conclusion (Lucas, 2009, pp. 208-215). It is required for your Toga Speech in Week 7 and Final/Persuasive Speech in Week 11. Your outline must include information under all headings A – M below). See textbook for further details. Note: For higher marks, also identify the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ – the theories supporting the development and organisation of your speech.

Throughout the outline (not just at the end) you must also identify, in underlined boldface italics, where you have used speech devices e. g. anecdote, rhetorical question, eye contact, audience involvement, shock, emotion, metaphor, simile, power of 3, alliteration, parallelism, repetition, humour, etc. The lecturer will introduce you to speech devices. For example: “Before I deliver my first main point, I will adopt a conversational tone as I look at each member of the audience (Mike’s Magic Maxim #3, Week 1 Lecture) to strengthen my connection with them (eye contact). In most circumstances, one of the quickest ways to establish a communicative bond with your listeners is to look at them personally and pleasantly” (Lucas, 2009, p. 257). ” Use complete referencing – (1) in the body of your outline or as footnotes (as in the example above), plus (2) in the bibliography. No marks will be given for incomplete sources e. g. “Lucas, 2009” or “Lecture PowerPoint”. Speech Preparation Outline Template A. Name: ___________________________ Tutorial Day and Time:____________ B. “What is my message? ” In one concise sentence, state the point of your speech.

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C. Audience Analysis: The essence of speechmaking is not to learn a role that can be played over and over without variation, but to adapt one’s ideas to particular audiences on particular occasions in particular situations (Lucas, 2009, pp. 105-109). To be audience-centred, you need to keep several questions in mind when you work on your speeches: 1. To whom am I speaking? 2. What do I want them to know, believe, or do as a result of my speech? 3. What is the most effective way of composing and presenting my speech to accomplish that aim? 4. What is their demographic (eg. ge, gender, sexual orientation, racial/ethnic/cultural background, religion, group membership)? Are there any other demographic elements relevant to the speech? 5. What is the size of the audience? 6. What is the physical setting? 7. What is their disposition (towards the topic, the speaker, the occasion)? D. Introduction Explain, in your own words, how you will accomplish and integrate the following in your speech: 1. Get the attention and interest of your audience; 2. Introduce yourself; 3. Reveal the topic of your speech; 4. Connect with your audience; 5.

State the importance of your topic – especially what’s in it for the audience; 6. Establish your credibility and goodwill; 7. Preview the body of the speech E. Organisational Pattern of Main Points Once you have established your main points, you need to decide in what order you will present them in your speech. The most effective order depends on three things—your topic, your purpose and your audience. There are five basic patterns of organisation used most often by public speakers (choose one): 1. Chronological order (the main points follow a time pattern); 2. Spatial order (the main points follow a directional pattern); 3.

Problem-Solution order (you deal with the existence of a problem and then present a solution to the problem); 4. Cause-Effect order (you describe the cause and the effect) 5. Topical order (the main points divide the topic into logical and consistent subtopics). F. Connective to Body of Speech A word or phrase that connects the ideas of your speech and indicates the relationship between them. Connectives include: transitions, internal previews, internal summaries and signposts. G. Main Points – and sub-points, all in complete sentences with reasonably detailed information The major points developed in the body of a speech.

Most speeches contain from two to five main points. I. First main point a. Subpoint/s (i. e. what will you tell the audience to support your first point? Consider anecdotes, research, relevance. ) *Insert connective [don’t just write “insert connective” – what is your connective? ] II. Second main point a. Subpoint/s *Insert connective III. Third main point a. Subpoint/s H. Transition to Conclusion. A word or phrase that makes it clear to your audience you have finished the body and are now coming to the end of the speech – linking the body of your speech to your Conclusion.

Because it is used so often, try to avoid saying, “In conclusion…” Instead, let your words and actions make it clear you are about to finish. I. Conclusion Explain, in your own words, how you will accomplish and integrate the following in your speech: 1. Reinforce your message; 2. Refer to the Introduction; 3. Restate main points; 4. Issue a “call to action” if a persuasive speech 5. Conclude with a powerful, closing statement (and say thank you! ). J. Exit Strategy 1. What will you do if you are running long – what will you leave out and how will you move smoothly to your conclusion? 2.

What happens if you are running short – what will you say or do to make use of your extra time? K. Bibliography (when applicable) To avoid plagiarism, reference all materials used in your speech, following an accepted reference style – both research for the topic of your speech and also, if you choose to do so, research on how to prepare and deliver an effective presentation. You must identify each source at the point you cite it in the outline; it’s not enough just to list a source in the bibliography. Make sure you include the page numbers for books and other periodicals, contact details for interviews, dates websites accessed, etc.

No marks will be given for incomplete sources e. g. “Lucas, 2009” or “Lecture PowerPoint”. L. PowerPoint Printout (when PowerPoint is required) Print black and white, six slides to a page; must show graphics. Must be attached to the rest of your outline. Remember, no changes: You may not change your speech preparation outline/PowerPoint after submission. Your oral presentation may deviate slightly, but the PowerPoint slides you show during your talk must be the same as those on the printout you hand in or you will lose 5%. If the outline you hand in doesn’t include a PowerPoint printout, you will lose 10%.

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Speech of Commemoration. (2018, May 11). Retrieved from


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