Speech Of Tribute

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I can remember a time in my life that we all can refer to. A time when the world seemed too big to get a grasp on, too big for it to see you. I believed it would swallow me whole but as you can see, it didnt.

Remember when we were young and our hopes were high, our goals and dreams seemed untouchable Sure you do, I remember. Well, most of us by now have came in contact with our goals and dreams, or if not yet, pretty close. I know I have. Either Ive come real close, or actually accomplished them.

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Ive been given a lot encouragement over the years, a lot of guidance, and pick- me ups that Ive needed to get me where I am today.And because of this one person I am able to love others and myself, believe in myself, push myself to do things I dont want to, and to recognize someone like them for all they have done for me and helped me with. The wonderful person I am talking about is my father. He has help me believe that I have the ability to attain whatever I seek; within me is every potential I can imagine.

He has always told me to aim higher than I believe I can reach, and that so often, Ill discover when my talents are set free by my imagination, I can achieve any goal.If people offer their help or wisdom as I go through life, accept it gratefully. He has also told me that I can learn much from those who have gone before me. Never be afraid or hesitant to step off the accepted path and head off in your own direction if your heart tells you that its the right way for you.

To always believe that I will ultimately succeed at whatever I do, and to never forget the value of persistence, discipline, and determination. And that I am meant to be whatever I dream of becoming. Because of him helping me believe these things I am gonna be somebody someday.So, I ask: What would I do without you, Dad What would I do if I didnt have you to love me, to advise me, to talk to me when I am feeling down, and to celebrate with me when Im happy I Thank you for being the best Dad I could ever have asked for.

Thank you for giving me life. Thank you for your influence, your undying love. Thank you for your example. I see you in myself and my ways, and I appreciate the positive characteristics you passed on to me.

I love you so much! I hope that everyone has someone in their life or did have someone in their life to help them and to teach them things my Father has taught me.

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Speech Of Tribute. (2018, Apr 01). Retrieved from


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