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Friendship Essay Examples Page 5

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Essay Examples


Clostridium Botulinum: Friend or Foe?


Words: 7460 (30 pages)

Botulism is a serious neurological illness with potentially life-threatening neuroparalysis caused by a nerve toxin produced by the bacterium, Clostridium botulinum (Shapiro, Hathaway, & Swerdlow, 1998) The neurotoxin acts prefentially on presynaptic membranes of peripheral neuromuscular nerve junctions and blocks acetylcholine release, resulting to flaccid muscle paralysis (Glogau, 2003). C. botulinum is considered as a…

A Friend who wants Revenge


Words: 604 (3 pages)

The Cask of Amontillado recounts a tale of vengeance as Fortunato’s insult towards Montresor fractures their close friendship. This rift was more devastating than any practical joke or deception. The bond between Fortunato and Montresor is distinctive, as they possess contrasting traits yet share similarities. The name “Fortunato” accurately reflects his fate, as he is…

The Importance of Friendship in Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”


Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain

Words: 371 (2 pages)

Aristotle defined friendship as “One soul dwelling in two bodies.” In Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the connection between Huckleberry Finn and Jim exemplifies this kind of bond. Through his novel, Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemmons) emphasizes the important advantages of friendship in society. Nevertheless, some argue that Clemmons wrote this book with…

Cause & Solution Parents, Teachers and Friends in Our Life





Words: 577 (3 pages)

Cause and effect of parents, teachers and friends in our life. Jan Carlos Arthur 10mo B In this essay; I’m presenting you various effects in which our parents, friends, teachers and all the people involved in our daily life since the start, till the end of you preparations, including socially, emotionally as well as academically…

Friendship and Loyalty in Some Like It Hot Analysis


Words: 719 (3 pages)

After viewing Billy Wilder’s 1959 classic Some Like It Hot, it was apparent why the film was voted as the number one comedy by the American Film Institute. Wonderfully constructed, this movie has all the characteristics that establish Wilder’s signature feature films: brilliant costuming, a subtle use of shadows and setting to establish a mood,…

Friendship of Thomas Beckett and Henry II


Words: 493 (2 pages)

“Friendship often does collapse over such unjust ideas. ” This quote alone illustrates the dissolution of friendship that occurs between Thomas Becket and Henry II in early English history. What would one think if a trusted friend turns on them and stabs them in the back? Certain situations in the lives of Thomas Becket and…

Modern Technology: A Friend or a Foe?



Words: 1792 (8 pages)

Modern technological innovations have been hailed for improving the living standards and improving efficiency. Out of this realization, modern technologies have infiltrated almost every aspect of human life today from communication to production of food to security. For most people, living without technology is unimaginable and staying with an old technology is regarded as not…

Remembering My Friend and Mentor, Glenn Lord



Words: 2934 (12 pages)

I learned of Glenn Lord’s passing on the morning of January 1st upon receiving Paul Herman’s email. The shock was heightened by the fact that I received the information at such a moment, just after the New Year’s festivities, or so I thought initially. I was numb, and remained morose and tight-lipped for a number…

A Letter to My Dear Friend


Words: 289 (2 pages)

Hello Friend, I have decided to write a letter to you about drinking, which I didn’t think I would have to do. Anyway let’s start. Drinking is very dangerous if you consume a lot. You can have liver damage, brain damage and many other problems that will eventually lead to death. When you drink you…

A Friend With Multiple Personalities


Words: 636 (3 pages)

A Friend With Multiple Personalities Personality variations can range in magnitude from vast as an ocean to minuscule as an atom. Most individuals perceive personalities as distinct. However, I have observed that distinctiveness does not always capture the essence of personalities. I know someone named Renee who possesses a broad spectrum of personalities. Renee’s personality…

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What are the stages of friendship development?

Some friendships stay in one stage for a long time, while others seem to move quickly from acquaintance to friendship. There is no right or wrong way to develop a friendship. These stages of friendship development are not necessary. In fact, friendships can also go from very close to more casual. It all depends on the people involved.

Most friendships grow over time from one stage to the next until the two people get closer and closer. Not every friendship will achieve best friend status, as every relationship is different. Some relationships may start out as dating and stay there for a long time before they progress to the friendship stage. Others can quickly grow from online friends to better ones. It all depends on the people involved, their level of expectations, and how much time and effort they are willing to devote to friendship.

Are there friendships on social media?

Friendships today have many different definitions which are unique to each individual. Friendship itself can be broken down into many subgroups, which are also unique to the individual, to further define what the relationship between two specific people entails.

In William Deresiewicz’s “Faux Friendship” it is argued that the meaning of friendship has been permanently altered by social networking sites and the instinct to categorize every connection as a friendship.

He also says that because of Facebook, along with other social sites, modern culture has watered down the idea of friendship so much so that networkers strive to connect with a greater number of ‘friends’ to replace the lost genuine connection with others. Deresiewicz is immensely successful in his argument with the aid of examples, chronological writing, statistics and tone.

Has the definition of friendship changed?

Because Deresiewicz’s main point is that the definition of friendship has completely transformed, the most effective method he used was the structure of his article itself. The piece flowed from examples of ancient to modern friendships in a chronological order; this style of writing makes it easy for the audience to comprehend.

The author begins with examples of ancient friendship such as Achilles and Patroclus. Their friendship was so strong that Achilles proved to be more loyal to Patroclus than his own country.

Ancient friendship was even viewed as “superior to marriage and at least equal in the value to sexual love…” . Next, the author explains how the rise of Christianity looked down upon these close bonds of friendship because the individual should be devoted to God. Deresiewicz continues on to give us examples of eighteenth and nineteenth classical friendship: Goethe and Schiller, Emerson and Thoreau, Byron and Shelley. All of which would now be classified as romantic relationships.

Friend on Facebook

The last and most recent example of friendship which the author addresses is the ‘Facebook friend’. This specific type of friend could have been someone who went to the same high school, that person’s sister, someone met at summer camp, or maybe even a complete stranger. Now one can share their most intimate thoughts with all of these people plus six hundred other ‘friends’ at the same time. All of these very specific examples and scenarios make it obvious that the author is credible and took his time to research different samples of friendship throughout the centuries.

Deresiewicz has excellent communication skills and paints a clear picture for his readers and also keeps them interested. Several metaphors can be found in this piece; for example, he refers to the modern friend as “little dehydrated packets of images and information, no more my friends than a set of baseball cards is the New York Mets”.

The author also gives the audience a mental picture when recollecting about his circle of close friends and how he realized that most of them did not actually know one another. He then claims that he “…violated the laws of feeling as well as geometry. They (his friends) were a set of points, and I was wandering somewhere among them”. Deresiewicz uses one of the most concrete pieces of evidence that an author can use– statistics. He claims, “A study found that one American in four reported having no close confidants, up from one in 10 in 1985.

The figures date from 2004…” .Deresiewicz also uses a very laid back, yet informative tone towards his readers. This approach to writing makes the author seem knowledgeable without coming across as biased. Another advantage to Deresiewicz’s writing style is that he does not come off as an extremist. This works in his favor because readers are more likely to actually consider the author’s opinion plausible. Together, his clever style of writing, use of statistics and tone establish creativity and validity.

Facebook and fake friends

Although the author has a substantial argument and evidence, there could be a misinterpretation meaning. Just because Facebook gave the name “friends” to users who can see someone’s profile and information, does not necessarily mean that the users see one another as true friends.

The author could have done a little bit of research to find out what this generation of teenagers considers most of their Facebook friends to be in relation to them. With some surveys sent out, he could have very well found out that the modern friend is something that social networking defined, not the new generation.

Overall, Deresiewicz claimed that the definition of friendship has changed over time and he extensively proved his point. Statistical information collected from a study was an excellent addition to his argument; and with his quotes and specific examples of friends and their relationships throughout history, Deresiewicz gave an excellent argument for his readers to ponder over.

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