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Essay Examples

The Effects of Population Density on Individuals




Words: 1300 (6 pages)

Abstract: Population density has increasingly become an important discussion as solutions continue to be sought to address this problem. Increased population density can be blamed for the ever rising problems of criminal offenses, poverty, and reduced privacy. As population increase in the society, the conventional values that once used to be coveted such as social…

The Haunted Trail





Words: 380 (2 pages)

Approximately fifteen to twenty years ago, a teenager was deeply affected by drugs such as shrooms and acid. Following a heated disagreement with his parents, the distressed teen experienced panic and hastily fled through the back door. Subsequently, he did not return home which prompted his parents to alert the police about his disappearance. Authorities…

Hostel Between Uum and Usm




Words: 2474 (10 pages)

This study compares the hostel facilities and living conditions at two different universities in Malaysia: Desasiswa Fajar Harapan at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Bank Rakyat Hostel at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). A survey was conducted among 50 students at each hostel to gather their feedback on five areas: their room, bathroom/toilet, hostel facilities, hostel…

Medic in the United States Army


Words: 272 (2 pages)

Becoming a Medic in the United States Army demands strength, determination, and extensive training of varying durations. The role of a Combat Medic is crucial during battlefield operations, as they are responsible for saving the lives of the injured, their comrades, and themselves. Mental fortitude is necessary for Combat Medics to fulfill their duties. Like…

Suzanne’s Fight Against Illness


Personality disorder

Words: 1494 (6 pages)

The film Girl, Interrupted explores the challenges faced by Susanna, a teenager dealing with her illness in the 1960s. After attempting suicide, she is admitted to a psychiatric hospital where she forms strong connections with fellow patients and navigates her distant relationship with her parents. In this environment, she encounters several troubled individuals: a roommate…

And The Band Played On




Words: 671 (3 pages)

People would always think that there is a notable connection between homosexuality and AIDS. There is a strong discrimination against people with this kind of sexual orientation and people infected with HIV/AIDS. Unsurprisingly, some terms have been tagged along with this kind of disease like “gay plague”, “gay cancer” or “Gay Related Immune Deficiency” which…

My Future Nursing Profession: Why I Want to Be a Nurse?



Words: 314 (2 pages)

I have multiple reasons for choosing the healthcare field, but the most significant is my compassion for those who suffer. Additionally, I have a strong desire for learning and job security. In this piece, I will explain how these three driving reasons are intertwined through my dedication to the healthcare field. Moreover, as a nurse,…

Joey Pigza Case Study

Abnormal Psychology

Clinical Psychology

Health Care

Words: 753 (4 pages)

Presenting Problem Joey Pigza, is an eleven year old boy who has troubles concentrating in every aspect of his life. Joey has ADHD, and even with medication his temperament and wild behavior are out of control. He is a good kid with a caring heart, but his failure to control his impulses has now become…

Healthy Diet for Kids

Healthy Diet

Words: 625 (3 pages)

Every parent wants their child to grow healthy and strong. What kids eat and drink amid their initial age can upshot their health for many years to come. It’s paramount to boost the kids to eat full and nutritious food. Poor nutrition during childhood can lead to many health disorders like obesity, diabetes, hypertension and…

Anorexia Case Study


Anorexia nervosa

Words: 1914 (8 pages)

Anorexia nervosa is defined as an eating disorder characterized by the fear of becoming fat, and refusal of food. Several factors – psychological, interpersonal, and social – contribute to this disease. Psychological factors consist of one feeling that one’s life is out of control, and having low self esteem. Interpersonal factors refer to one having…

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