We found 52 free papers on Malaysia
Essay Examples
What Being a Responsible Malaysian Citizen Means to Me.
Title: What being a responsible Malaysian citizen means to me. What does a responsible malaysian citizen mean? It means that you play a role as a citizen and you do what you are supposed to do, but not doing those stuff which will destroy your future or maybe the name of your country, ! For…
Proton Issue in Malaysia
Introduction This research examines the background, history, emerged problems, and methods of enhancing Proton cars in Malaysia. Its aim is not only to identify the challenges faced by Proton but also to explore ways to enhance their reliability and regain customers’ trust in using Proton cars in the automotive industry. In this competitive era, the…
Background of E-filling System in Malaysia
This chapter discuss about the introduction of this study, which included the information of the background of e-filling system in Malaysia, problem statement, research questions, research objective, and significance of study. 1. 1 Background The function of Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (RIBS) is to act as an agent for the government of Malaysia in the…
Essay about Malaysia’s Banking Sector
Monetary policy
Introduction The financial crisis in Asia has shown that a robust financial system is one of the key components of economic progress. Without it, misallocation of investments could seriously disrupt development. For Malaysia, the banking sector is sound compared to the Asian crisis and well-capitalized to withstand any deterioration in asset quality. From 2001 to…
Lance Armstrong and the Media’s Relationship to the Law
Identify aspects of the media that relate to the law. (2 Marks) The article reports on Lance Armstrong who is famous cyclist that use performances- enhancing drugs to bring his career to a successful. Criminal law US Anti-Doping Agency was published a report saying that he is a liar, it is because US Anti-Doping Agency…
Brief Overview of Telecom Companies in Malaysia
Malaysia Telecom Brief The government engineered a dramatic consolidation of the telecom services market but simultaneously introduced an institutional framework for progressive policy reform. The creation of an independent policy and regulatory body, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), has brought a new dimension of transparency and public accountability to technology sector administration. Large,…
The Batek of Malaysia
The Batek people, who are among the remaining Orang Asli in Malaysia’s peninsular region, have successfully preserved their peaceful and unwavering lifestyle amidst encroachment and deforestation. Across multiple generations, they have thrived by embracing their cultural values while engaging in activities such as living, loving, foraging, transitioning, and self-sustainability. As nomads, the Batek depend on…
Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia
Prices of goods are increasing from year to year. People especially in the city area are struggling to cope with the increasing cost of living. The Malaysian government has recently introduced an immediate measure to ease the financial burden of low-income Malaysians. It’s a RM500 one-off aid called ‘Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia’ (BR1M) will be given…
Public Service Department in Malaysia
INTRODUCTION The various government agencies were established by the government plan, control, assist and implement agency will be able to perform its functions smoothly, the agencies concerned must be organised in a proper, systematic and effective manner. In addition, the government would appoint officers to hold public services posts at various levels. The administration of…
Baby Dumping in Malaysia ; Causes and Solutions
Malaysia is grappling with the rising cases of abandoned babies, “forcing” the Malaysian police to investigate baby-dumping cases under the Malaysian Penal Code for murder or attempt murder. The Malaysian public blame premarital sex on the over-exposure to sexually-liberal western culture, while the Malaysian government considers including sex education in school syllabus. Experts, on the…
Frequently Asked Questions about Malaysia
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