Essay on Should I Go to College?

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For years and years most of people were struggling whether they will attend college, weather it worth it or no. Despite people’s opinion, scholars and experts have had argumentative studies to state if it worth it or no. After all, the question has not been answered; many studies by experts in the field or students’ opinion stated the worth of college. Because the question “is College Worth it?” is too general, each person has his/her own perception and that makes it harder to accomplish a unified answer.

On the other hand, numbers of college’s seekers nowadays are more likely to greater than before. However, the answer to the question is complicated because it requires a strong balance between the cost of being in college and the benefits after graduating.

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Although the worth of college has been discussed over and over in the past years, Michael Potts works in philosophy at Methodist College as an associate professor in Fayetteville NC, has a perspective that high cost can be a struggling point in causing lower academic standards. Michael Potts stated that student’s ideas about paying in college so they are supposed to get high grades made quality education drop down. Not only education standard will be lowered because some students’ believes that paying to college means that they will get high grades, also the lower education standards are, the weaker universities’ prestige, rank, and status will be, which will affect some students in their self-esteem.

While Potts’s belief toward student paying for college affect education standers, Lilly, a professional writer and editor in his own business, also says that yes the college cost a lot of money; it will be beneficial for them economically. According to Bruce Lilly, he emphasizes that education’s cost is a long bargain between the university and the university because the student will be benefited after graduation by getting better life. Literally the bargain in universities with the students in getting more knowledge and the students pay is true when most graduate earn more money than their fellows who didn’t attend college.

While the discussions about the cost of college and the benefits that students will get important, Ellsberg said that “I’d put money on the kinds who are dropping out of college to start a new business.” According to Michael Ellsberg, a writer of The Education of Millionaires and a writer of a famous article in The New York Times Newspaper mentioned that investing on dropouts is better than investing on continuing students because dropouts will be creating more jobs.

In contrast of the Potts and Lilly point of view, Ellsberg would prefer students to dropout college rather than continuing education but the problem is that the chances of dropouts to be job creators is not like college graduate; because, college graduate will have the chance to get a job and start a business in the future and be a job creator and that what make college graduate have better chance to job creator than dropouts (Michael Ellsberg, 2011 Will Dropouts Save America?)

While dropping college might save time and gain a lot more money than continuing education, Pew says that investing in college is upright and income raiser (Pew, 2011). Pew Research Social and Demographic Trend Organization emphasize the size of graduate who agreed that college is a good investment in their life and it increase their income. Although college is a good project, chances are different from person to person in how their they perform because two people may take the same class but different professors levels of teaching affect their grades; so it may affect their career when many companies asks for high GPA’s. So, dropping college and avoid the university’s difficulties is a short cut than running through all the college obstacles.

Universities cost issues or problems are irrelevant from situation to a situation and it depends on the expertise angle of view towards the issue; however, studies shows that high school students are more likely to have less salary than college graduates. More, Julie Mack is a reporter for the Kalamazoo Gazette and a local connector, beliefs that even when college is costly; its advantages future makes it worth a try even when students pays a lot from loans and take them a long time to repay. Economic advantages for the students from both sides are clearly shown comparing between the experts opinion; but, high salary jobs are usually the place for college graduate.

Since the cost has a big effect on how students get to choose whether they will attend college, the benefits are the actual gain from the educational life. Potts says that by managing an educational knowledge, students will be benefited after graduating in many ways. According to Potts, he said knowledge is the actual benefit rather than having a high income. Emphasizing the author’s idea in those external and internal goods is very important because it is much more valuable than any other benefit after graduating since the most subject experts are talking about is financial benefit.

While high education will give the students the benefits to have internal and external good, economic benefits are more likely to be important than universal knowledge. Mack says that students will have many benefits from graduating from college in many different ways. According to Mack, she listed the benefit from college as it is very helpful not just from economic status but even in life aspect such as marriage with a stable family and healthcare will be much better. Smooth life is very important for many people so after graduating student will be benefited from high education.

Although many experts agrees that education’s benefit is more universal knowledge, the high salary is the most important benefit after graduating and graduating from college will get students higher salaries and that what students’ needs.

Moreover, Lilly mentioned that high education helps students to earn high salary and make them expert in their fields which will make them more active with universal knowledge (Bruce Lilly, 2011.) According to Lilly, after completing college students will be professional more and that universal knowledge will make them supportive in mostly any argument. Not only universal knowledge is the benefit for students, good jobs are important for college graduate. Pew stated that students in a good shape and most universities presidents are happy with the universities direction in creating job creator students.

According to Pew, it would go to a wrong direction if students thought of education as a source of getting higher salaries that knowledge. High education gives students many opportunities in shaping the life aspects correctly, Ellsberg has a different perspective which is mostly biased towards dropping college so benefits after graduating is not shown. He showed that by dropping college students will get more benefits that graduating and having high education.

According to Ellsberg, “Classroom skills may put you at an advantages in the formal market, but in the informal market, street-smart skills and real world networking are infinitely more important.” This quote seems to be convincible but chances in getting to the real world is much difficult than being educated and having universal knowledge.

The question of whether college is worth it or not is a complex questions to a ask because many people have diverse ideas and believes; but, maintain an equal balance between managing schools financial issue and comparing it with the future benefit that they will be getting after graduating from college. According to Pew, “Most college presidents (52%) says college students today study less than their predecessors did a decade ago.” So, the question is what the causes are for students studying less than before’ is it the lack of education or low standers mad it hard for students to be well universal knowledge.

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