Intro To Poetry Analysis

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The speaks r uses imagery of exploration and curiosity to show what he feels is the appropriate way to analyze, as well as images of torture to show the inappropriate way. There is also strong imagery of a teacher ammo g his students, which adds to the “learning” aspect of the poem.

Collins uses a shift in tense in “Introduction to Poetry’ to assist in creating various MO odds throughout the poem. In the first few stanzas, the writing style follows a somewhat of list format. He lists off ways he wants his students to analyze poetry through various Images, basically lay listing them off. Towards the end of the poem, it turns into more of a narrative. The speaker uses par asses like “They begin to” to illustrate more of a story than a list, and this shows the change in mood f mom positive to grim and violent.

Imagery is one of the most essential literary devices in the poem. The whole poem is essentially a giant Image, again pertaining to the negatives and positives of literary analysis. In t he first few stanzas, Collins uses Images Like an anxious mouse or a shaded room to explain the necessity of an ever exploring mind. The will to find a lightweight in blind circumstances shows the deter nomination Collins feels is necessary to find meaning in a poem. But as the poem continues you on, the tone shifts from lawful and eager to a darker mood.

This comes from the Collins’ belief in over analyze ins something, especially poetry. He uses Images of torture to explain how his students attempt to b eat a meaning out off body of work. Because of the negative tone used In these last few stanzas, It give s the Impression that this isn’t the right way and will ultimately lead to a forced analyzing. Show a change in mood. In a technology driven society, Collins is able to prove that literature has Just as much potential to portray emotion as any other art medium.

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Intro To Poetry Analysis. (2017, Nov 11). Retrieved from

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