Personal Experience with Job Application

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For students, securing employment in their chosen field is extremely beneficial as it offers practical experience and knowledge beyond classroom learning. This ultimately increases their prospects of success in future careers. To excel in job interviews, thorough preparation is crucial, including gathering comprehensive information about the company’s values and objectives.

As an international student, my employment opportunities at Georgian Court University are limited to on-campus jobs. However, the university only offers a few work study opportunities, which limits my options for potential employment. Ideally, I would prefer jobs that align with my field of study – Business and Finance. Unfortunately, due to these circumstances, my choices were restricted. Therefore, I decided to apply for a tutoring position at the library of Georgian Court University.

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Upon hearing about this job opportunity, I was excited because I have always been good at helping my teammates with their school work. To apply, I decided to go online and research what the job entailed and the necessary steps. Fortunately, I met all the requirements and eagerly went to the Academic Development and Support Center in the library’s lower level. There, I spoke with one of the supervisors who were delighted to hear of my interest in working for them. They instructed me to gather all the required paperwork which I promptly submitted as directed. Within a week, I received a call inviting me for an interview.

The interview focused on getting to know me and asked basic questions. They also inquired about why I believe I would be a valuable addition to their current staff and what I can offer students seeking help. The interview went smoothly, and the next day I received an email from the Academic Development and Support Center informing me that I have been hired as a tutor. I attribute my success in securing this job to meeting all the listed requirements and presenting myself confidently during the interview.

During the interview, the interaction was more than just a series of questions and answers. It turned into a conversation that made the interview feel enjoyable. This definitely played a role in their decision to hire me because it showcased my ability to connect with others and create a comfortable environment for students at the tutoring center.

Getting ready for a job interview is essential for making a positive impact on the employer. As a student, securing a job related to my field of study can offer several advantages. However, as an international student, I am prohibited from having a conventional job. Nonetheless, I feel that by demonstrating commitment and enthusiasm towards learning and growth, I am still enhancing my skills in other areas that can be beneficial in the long run.

By working as a tutor in the Academic Development and Support Center, I am able to enhance my social skills and move closer towards accomplishing my future objectives.

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Personal Experience with Job Application. (2022, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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