Ponyboy and Johnny in the Outsiders by S. E. Hinton

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I finished The Outsiders about three weeks back and I’ve been waiting to write this essay with all the information about the book that I have stored up inside my head, To be honest, I personally don’t think that there Is much of a difference between the Greasers and the Socs as they are just groups of friends that want to stick together and try to be the toughest. This book is to show you that no matter what the situation is, friendship pushes through and prevails. SE Hinton shows this as Ponyboy and Johnny stayed friends throughout the entire book no matter what situation they were. Ponyboy and Johnny were such good friends with Dally that even on the night that they were mad at each other, Dally still helped them stay off the radar for a while the police went towards Texas as Dally told them that they were heading there.

Even when Dally could’ve gone to jail for lying to the police he still risked It because he’s good friends with Johnny and Ponyboy and he didn‘t want Johnny to get into trouble and end up in jail like he did because he doesn‘t want that to happen to Johnny. Everyone in the gang was supporting Johnny when he was in the hospital before he died and after he passed everyone was deeply affected. especially Dally as he went and robbed a store and proceeded to get shot by the police because the person he cared most for in his life was killed just hours before.

While Johnny was in the hospital, everyone was going to settle the ‘dispute’ with the Socs with violence. Dally didn‘t want the rumble to happen without him since he‘s one of the toughest in the gang and he didn’t want to see his friends get hurt so he escaped from the hospital and initiated the rumble. Even if it’s just letting their friends sleep at their house or protecting them from the police or the socs, the group of friends stuck up for each other through thick and thin. All of these points prove my opinion that the theme of this book is friendship as each and every greaser would fight for their friends and in Dally’s case, even die for them.

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Ponyboy and Johnny in the Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. (2023, Apr 15). Retrieved from


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