Effects on Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence of the Physical Changes

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While retirement offers opportunities for personal growth and community involvement through activities like art, some retirees face health problems that can lead to feelings of depression or confinement. However, most retired individuals remain active despite these challenges. Men, who have devoted much of their lives to work, may find it difficult to adjust to increased time spent at home, impacting their spouses as well.

Some retired couples may choose alternative activities, such as gardening or golfing, to enjoy their home life. However, it is not uncommon for one partner, whether male or female, to opt for part-time work because they miss the work environment or seek companionship from friends and colleagues. Sadly, society often fails to recognize the valuable wisdom possessed by many seniors. If given a chance, they can continue making significant contributions to society. Instead, there is a tendency to view them as incapable or ignore them completely. As a result, it is the younger generation that robs the elderly of their dignity and subjects them to oppression.

The elderly desire to maintain independence, dignity, and usefulness in both familial and societal contexts. However, society often disregards the value of individuals over the age of 60. Stereotyping the elderly as unproductive can significantly impact their self-confidence. Consequently, if constantly told that they are no longer useful, the elderly may eventually internalize this belief and relinquish their independence during what should be their final moments of happiness.

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Effects on Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence of the Physical Changes. (2016, Aug 31). Retrieved from


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