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Essay Examples

Analysis of Showtime’s Tv Show Dexter’s Cover Art


Tv Show

Words: 1482 (6 pages)

Showtime’s new age murder drama, Dexter (2006- to present), is more than what the cover art will have you to believe it is, or is it? Dexter is a television show about the life of a murderer. Dexter, the main character, is no ordinary killer though. He is a community hero! He kills murderers; only…

“The Wave” of 1869. Gustave Courbet



Words: 2041 (9 pages)

Beginning in the summer of 1869 Gustave Courbet produced a series of paintings depicting stormy seas during his stay at Etretat on the Normandy coast. The Wave (La Vague c. 1872) exhibited in the National Gallery of Victoria is one such painting that features the central motif of a cresting wave. While many viewed the…

The Character of Michael Cassio in the Play Othello by William Shakespeare





Words: 647 (3 pages)

In the play Othello by William Shakespeare, one of the most important characters of the play is Othello’s lieutenant, Michael Cassio. The protagonist, Cassio, is important to the plot because of the role he plays in Iago’s devious plan towards the other characters in the book. Cassio plays a critical role in the play because…

Ansel Adams Biography




Words: 1882 (8 pages)

            Ansel Adams was a member of the Western school of photography, which included others such as Edward Weston and Imogen Cunningham and as a group were nature-oriented, nature encompassing everything from a desert landscape to closeup floral forms, to studies in humans.  Adams was a member of the Western school that brought together an…

Botticelli-Saville Comparitive Art


Words: 1616 (7 pages)

The image of the nude is dateless. cardinal and cosmopolitan. It has the ability to motivate intense involvement. longing and even repulsive force in the spectator. We frequently find that images of the bare reflect upon society’s attitudes towards beauty and gender issues. These issues are strongly highlighted in Jenny Saville’s nakedly confrontational ‘Propped’ ….

Art 21: Raymond Pettibon


Words: 2234 (9 pages)

Punk rock, cartoon-like and text heavy are some common descriptors of cotemporary artist Raymond Pettibon’s work. His work throughout the last twenty five years is a compilation of image and text that has been influenced by previous artists and influences many newer artists as well. The artist known as Raymond Pettibon was born Raymond Ginn…

Case digests on Art XI



Words: 22605 (91 pages)

Fast Facts Raul Gonzales forwarded an anonymous letter by “Concerned Employees of the Supreme Court” to Justice Fernan. Theletter was addressed to Gonzales referring to charges for disbarment brought by Miguel Cuenco against Justice Fernan andasking “to do something about this.” The action against Fernan was filed in the Tanodbayan. Tanodbayan – special prosecutor like…

Art and Brush Strokes Sample


Words: 393 (2 pages)

Caravaggio worked in the manner of pragmatism. Realism is when creative persons use different techniques to do pictures look like exposure or sculptures to look like existent people. Most of pragmatisms subj3ect affair is based on the universe around us. This fundamentally means what you see is what you get. The figures that are done…

An Overivew Of Gabriel Orozco Manipulates Art


Words: 1785 (8 pages)

In this paper I intend to demo how Gabriel Orozco manipulates the run-of-the-mine obtuseness of common objects to bring forth something new. These new creative activities are non merely works of art but besides contain emergent gameplay that arises one time a spectator enters into the infinite. Emergent gameplay refers to fortunes in games that…

ABCs of Black and Blue


Words: 1236 (5 pages)

The ABCs of Black and Blue Black and Blue was one of Armstrongs greatest hits, it is hard to believe that a remade song could rank so high on his greatest. Armstrong had a unique way of taking a song that had already been published and making into his own work of art. Black and…

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