Key Terms That are Used to Describe Tornado

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A tornado is a violent windstorm usually characterized by a twisting, funne shaped cloud that is caused by a thunderstorm or a hurricane. It is produce when a cool air mass meets a warm air mass and forces the warm air mass t rise over the cool air mass very rapidly. Most of the damage from a tornad is a result of high wind velocity and wind blown debris. Most tornadoe occur during the months of March through August, but they can occur durin any time of the year. They also seem to strike in the afternoon to the evening. You should know all key terms that are used to describe tornad

  1. Tornado Watch- This means that tornadoes are possible and yo should stay tuned to a radio station for more reports.
  2. Tornado Warning- A tornado has been sighted and you shoul
  3. Severe Thunderstorm Watch- Severe thunderstorms are possibl
  4. Severe Thunderstorm Warning- A severe thunderstorm is her
  5. You should know the country and terrain in which you live. This i used in identifying the location of a tornado.
  6. You should know the places you can seek shelter such as a cabin o
  7. Practice doing this before you head out into the wilderness.
  8. You should have emergency supplies on hand such as Portable battery operated radio with extra batterie First aid kit with all supplies and manua
  9. Make an inventory of all your possessions and take pictures of the so if they are lost they you can replace them.

Calmness and clear skies after the tornad 1. Listen to your radio for the latest weather updates. 2. Be alert for an approaching storm so you can get ready and gathe your emergency disaster materials up. If you see a funnel cloud call you local emergency number to report it if you can.

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What to do during a tornado if you are outsid If there is no shelter nearby or there is no time to get indoors, lie dow in a ditch or a low-lying area with your hands shielding your head. B aware of flooding in the low lying area or ditch. What you should do after the tornad Give first aid if it is necessary and do not move an seriouly injured victims unless they are in jeopardy o Turn on your radio to get the latest informatio Use a telephone if you have one to make any emergenc Tornadoes can be nearly invisible and only marked by swirling debris a On average the U.S. experiences about 100,000 thunderstorms a year an out of those about 1,000 tornadoes develop.

Although tornadoes can occur throughout the world the U.S. has the mos Tornadoes produce the most violent winds in the world. Tornado wind can be as high as 300 miles per hour, travel distances over 100 miles an reach heights of over 60,000 feet above the ground. In 1988 121 tornadoes struck 15 south central states. This resulted in 1 deaths and damages reaching $108 million.

The following resources were used to do this projec Federal Emergency Managment Agency (FEMA Miami Institute of Hurricane Encarta ‘9 Funk and Wagnalls New Encylopedi American Red Cross

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Key Terms That are Used to Describe Tornado. (2018, Jun 15). Retrieved from

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