Lord of the flies Research Paper

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They were aware of the reason why he didn’t do it: due to the immense size of the knife descending and penetrating into living flesh; because of the unbearable amount of blood (31). The analysis reveals that Jack is afraid of slaughtering the pig in chapter 1, a fear he conquers as he relinquishes civilization and embraces the ways of a savage. In chapters 2 and 3, the boys recall their inner savage nature. The analysis further indicates that there are numerous allusions to beasts throughout the novel, with the concept being introduced in chapter 2 by a small individual.

No matter how much Ralph tries to calm the group’s fears of the Beastie, they remain afraid. Simon later realizes that they themselves are the Beastie. Ralph is shocked to notice that the boys become quiet and still, sensing the awe-inspiring power unleashed beneath them. This realization fills him with savagery. The uncontrollable fire on the mountain represents the savage nature that eventually takes hold of the stranded boys. Just as the fire fatally engulfs the boy with the birthmark, their savagery leads to the demise of others.

Chapter 4 Quote: He tried to convey the compulsion to track down and kill that was consuming him whole (51)
Analysis: Jack’s transition from being a civilized bully to a savage murderer has started. He is completely fixated on hunting, even neglecting the chance of being rescued.

Quote: The mask was a separate entity, through which Jack had been freed from shame and self-awareness (64)
Analysis: The hunting mask has completely eradicated any trace of civility that Jack possessed.

Quote: Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in (75)
Analysis: The hunters’ rhythmic chant after the pig hunt has a disturbing undertone, indicating the deterioration of their situation.

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