The phrase “Make hay while the sun shines” originated from farming, originally stated as “when the sun shineth, make hay.” It refers to the practice of making hay after a harvest. Sunlight’s warmth is essential in drying out wheat stalks and converting them into hay. If wet again, dry hay will start decaying. Due to unpredictable weather conditions, it is vital to take advantage of sunny days for drying the hay.
The proverb underscores the significance of taking advantage of an opportunity to finish a task while it is still possible, acknowledging that favorable circumstances may not last forever. Many people have a tendency to procrastinate and postpone tasks, only to discover that conditions have altered and the task is no longer achievable. This proverb applies universally, without considering age or gender.
During regular school days, some students often procrastinate studying which leads to feelings of anxiety and stress as exams approach. However, a small group of students consistently devote time to studying and remain calm during exam periods. These diligent students make sure to allocate sufficient time for revision and come prepared for the exams. Similarly, homemakers have numerous tasks to complete but despite their efforts, certain tasks are left unfinished. In these situations, it becomes essential to effectively prioritize these tasks.
It is important to prioritize the task at hand and avoid distractions, even when receiving a phone call from a friend while in the middle of paying a bill. While it may be tempting to have a conversation, it is crucial to promptly complete the bill payment before the counter closes for the day. This situation highlights the significance of taking appropriate action at the right time in order to achieve desired outcomes. The Latin proverb ‘Carpe Diem’ or ‘seize the day’ embodies this concept. Similarly, a goldsmith must seize an opportunity to work with hot gold if they wish to shape it into a beautiful ornament.
When there is heavy rain, drying clothes becomes impossible. We must wait for sunlight to do the job, so we should be alert and seize this opportunity when it arises. Time is limited, and we should make the most of opportunities that come our way, whether they are related to work or leisure activities, seeking forgiveness or offering forgiveness. Avoid procrastination and act while the sun is still shining upon you.