The Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami of 2004

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The tsunami of 2004 was a very devastating loss for many people around the eastern coast of India. It caused a lot of damage to the area. Even though the tsunami was pretty bad, some of the effected countries were able to start quickly recovering. The tsunami was a very traumatic experience for people in east India. It caused destruction in about 18 countries. It has been ranked as the “second or third largest earthquake in the last hundred years”.

The tsunami killed around 250,000 people. It also left about 1. million people homeless. The tsunami caused a lot of damage. It had a magnitude of 9. 0. it reached countries more than one hundred miles away from the epicenter. “ The damage was most severe in Aceh, Indonesia, which was stuck by tsunami waves within twenty minutes of the earthquake”. The tsunami destroyed houses, schools, boats, resorts, transportation devices, and health facilities. A lot of the areas that were hit were able to start recovering. Many of the other countries around the world were apart of this.

The country received about $14 billion dollars from humanitarians, organizations, and agencies for rapid relief. After a few months there were signs of recovery in the landscape and children were able to go back to school. Health facilities and other businesses were being restored and reconstruction was rapid. In other words the 2004 Indian tsunami was a devastating and hard loss for a lot of people. The tsunami caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage, left many people homeless, and killed many people. Only months after it happened the country was well on its way to reconstruction.

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The Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami of 2004. (2016, Oct 09). Retrieved from

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