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Essays on China

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Essay Examples

The Silk Road: an Immense Network of Commerce


Silk Road

Words: 422 (2 pages)

The Silk Road was an immense network of commerce that established relations between China and the west. Long distance trade enabled large imperial states to obtain luxury goods through overland trade routes, which eventually led not only to the spread of products but disease and religion as well. Between 200 and 1450 BCE, there were…

Entry Strategies in China’s Telecoms Market



Words: 4703 (19 pages)

Introduction Background of the Research Currently, more and more enterprises are pursuing sustainable growth in markets that are becoming increasingly global. In other words, it is essential for organizations to understand the complexity and diversity of international marketing in order to compete globally effectively (Doole & Lowe 2004). Meanwhile, selection of entry strategy, as the…

The Risk of a Lifetime: Tony Wang and KFC in China


Words: 3389 (14 pages)

In 1986, Tony Wang was Vice President of the Southeast Asia division of KFC. He had an opportunity of bringing the world’s largest chicken restaurant company into the world’s largest populated country. Wang was an experienced entrepreneur and had been working for KFC for seven years. No other fast food companies were currently operating in…

Research Proposal-Customer Satisfaction Towards Laura Arias in China



Words: 2526 (11 pages)

Executive Summary Laura Arias is a well-known UK-based company that provides home furnishing of good quality but relatively lower prices compared with those of competitors, targeting middle- and low-income consumers. In early 2008, the company entered Chinese market and founded branches in some big cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc. However, many Chinese consumers…

Starting a Business in China


Words: 3111 (13 pages)

The current entrepreneurial boom is not only larger than that of the mid ass’s but also much more diverse. It has become easier for entrepreneurs to start new businesses without quitting their day Jobs. It is a natural reaction given to all the scary economic headlines, but slow downs don’t have to be barriers to…

China Research Paper History



Words: 1425 (6 pages)

The history of China is embeded with revolution and tenseness dating back to the feudal periods and the ” foremost unified Chinese imperium under Qi Shi Huang Di in 221 B.C. ” The Confucianism political orientation entrenched in the heads of the Chinese people with its conservative base and the demand to accomplish harmoniousness in…

Women in China vs Rome



Words: 293 (2 pages)

Rome (750 BC–AD 500). Women in Rome during 750 Bc threw 500 AD had important roles to play, such as cooking for the family, cleaning up the house, to watch and care for the children and men. Basically be a home wife and mother. They weren’t expected to do anything else if they were to…

Foreign Trade in China



Words: 3273 (14 pages)

Foreign Trade in China: How does an International Company successfully enter and establish foreign trade in China. Today, the modern world is all about global integration and innovation, which is achieved through the exchange of ideas and services, people and goods. Broadly speaking we can outline three vehicles through which countries can integrate in economic…

China Pharmaceutical Guide Volume 1 (8th Edition)


Pharmaceutical Industry

Words: 270 (2 pages)

China Pharmaceutical Guide – Annually updated and written by veteran industry executives, it is the most comprehensive and authoritative guide to the Chinese pharmaceutical industry and market available in English at discounted package prices.Hundreds of pages of new data, information, analysis and case studies. Thorough summaries and analysis of the latest healthcare reform, drug pricing…

Human Resource Management Reform in China


Human Resource Management

Human Resources

Words: 3664 (15 pages)

The measures, Busch developed for the choice, preparation, moving and reintegration of its employees has been examined and set against the common practice of other enterprises. The work starts with a representation of the enterprise Busch. The main part s a detailed representation of the measures of Busch with respect to the four phases of…

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