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Essays on Documentary Film

Documentary Film

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Essay Examples

My Kid Could Paint That

Documentary Film


Words: 1946 (8 pages)

As a director, it is very important when making a movie to stay true to what he believes in order to truly allow his audience to relate what they are seeing. In order to make this happen, the filmmaker has to make certain decisions during the post-production, mainly during the editing process. For example: choosing…

New York: A Documentary Film

Documentary Film

New York City

Words: 968 (4 pages)

New York (1999-2003), the seven part, 14 ½ -hour television event explore New York City’s rich history as the premier laboratory of modern life. A sweeping narrative covering nearly 400 years and 400 miles, it reveals a complex and dynamic city that has played an unparalleled role in shaping the nation and reflecting its ideals….

The Film Period End of Sentence, Follows and Interviews a Group of Females in Delhi

Documentary Film


Words: 1426 (6 pages)

During the filming they show how these females are ashamed about their own menstrual cycles. There are even looked at differently for wanting to generating a low-cost pad machine to not only benefit women to have a sanitary product, but as well as create somewhat of an economy. Men disregard anything about women’s bodies as…

‘Nanook of the North’ (William Rothman) Analysis

Documentary Film

Words: 1991 (8 pages)

Looking back to the early development, documentary was called to be crucial in the phase of cinema. Historically, the film was conventionally commences in 1895, according to Erik Barnouw, the media historian, the Lumiere programs were the very well-liked in which for a span of two years they had just about a hundred operators working…

Sicko by Michael Moore: documentary film review

Documentary Film

Film Review

Words: 625 (3 pages)

Tracey Pierce, a 35-year-old man, received sudden and alarming news about his kidney cancer diagnosis. His wife, Julie, believed that Tracey had insurance coverage through her job. Despite the doctors prescribing medication for Tracey, the insurance company continuously discovered fresh grounds to reject insurance payments for his treatment. Eventually, a potential remedy arose through a…

Documentary films are all about creating viewpoint on their subject matter – Bra Boys

Documentary Film

Words: 819 (4 pages)

Documentary are able to create different ideologies based on how the come across to their viewer. The documentary film Bra Boys, by directors Sunny Abberton and Macario De Souza seeks to portray its central characters, Sunny, Jai and Koby Abberton as products of their harsh upbringing as well as brothers who take their gang’s motto…

The Exploitation of the Elderly in Jail

Documentary Film

Words: 561 (3 pages)

Mrs. Acosta On behalf of Others On Behalf Of Others Individuals who are under certain conditions should have their situations exploited in order to avoid having more people suffering. I agree with Agee’s claim because if their situations are not exploited then they can’t be given aid and it can’t be prevented in the future….

Rape Case in the Film Central Park Five Research Paper

Documentary Film

Words: 484 (2 pages)

In 1989, the documentary “The Central Park Five” delves into a rape case involving five young black and Latino American men who were arrested as suspects. Despite insufficient evidence, racial bias influenced the justices to declare them guilty and sentence them to prison for about 9 to 15 years. However, several months later, Matias Reyes…

Frequently Asked Questions about Documentary Film

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What is an essay documentary film?
The term “essay film” has become increasingly used in film criticism to describe a self-reflective and self-referential documentary cinema that blurs the lines between fiction and nonfiction. ... The most commonly cited essay filmmakers are French and German: Marker, Resnais, Godard, and Farocki.
What is an example of documentary film?
Documentary Films - Examples. Berlin: Symphony of a Big City (1927, Ger.) Finnis Terrae (1929, Fr.) Las Hurdes (aka Land Without Bread) (1932, Sp.)
What makes a good documentary film?
A good doc, in my opinion, must have the following: a subject anchored in a local story that is universal; a story arc comprising a seductive opening, a taut rising action, an unexpected but mind altering climax, a hopeful but not maudlin denouement; unforgettable characters who reveal everything and are “real”; a ...

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