Plato’s Allegory of the Cave Analysis

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The Giver by Lois Lowry is a book that holds significant similarities to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. In the allegory, a prisoner gains knowledge after escaping and struggles to explain it to others. Jonas, the protagonist of The Giver, functions as the philosopher in the allegory by having the capacity to see beyond and comprehend complex ideas. Like the escaped prisoner, Jonas wants to share his knowledge with others, but faces difficulty in doing so. The allegory teaches that gaining knowledge can make others view you as a deranged person, and that in life, we can only see regularity. The lessons in the allegory are relevant and can be applied to many stories and situations.

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The Giver is very significant to Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave’s” plot and morals. In the allegory, there are five prisoners, and one of the prisoners has escaped. The escaped prisoner has gained the access o knowledge that the other prisoners do not have. The escaped prisoner is peeved because he cannot explain it to them; he feels as if that is fundamental information. When he comes back to the cave it is hard for him to explain what he has seen because he cannot explain what a tree is if they are not aware of what leaves are.

Jonas functions as the philosopher in The Giver. Jonas contains the “capacity to see beyond”, which means he can apprehend more complex ideas and concepts. Like the escaped prisoner, Jonas wants the people he knows and loves to be able to know what he is feeling and how life is really lived. For example, he tries to give Asher the memory of color as he stares at the flower; however Asher does not want to know about Jonas’s berserk thoughts.

In the allegory, Plato makes a meaningful theory. The incentive of the allegory was to show that when you gain knowledge others will look at you differently and you will unveil yourself as a deranged person. Another lesson in Plato’s allegory can be that in life all you can see is regularity. This rationale is articulated by an allegory and has a relevant meaning shared throughout the world and many stories.

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